9.1.2 Issuing JP1 events at detection of process errors
When JP1/IM - Manager detects an error in process startup or shutdown processing, it outputs an error message to the integrated trace log. However, this error message can also be issued as a JP1 event.
By default, JP1 events are not issued when a process error is detected. To enable this feature, enable the relevant parameters (SEND_PROCESS_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY_EVENT and SEND_PROCESS_RESTART_EVENT) in the IM parameter definition file (jp1co_param_V7.conf). For details about the definition file, see IM parameter definition file (jp1co_param_V7.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.
If JP1 event issuance is enabled, a JP1 event is issued when:
A process ends abnormally.
No startup notification is received and a timeout occurs at process startup.
Restart of a process that ended abnormally is completed (if process restarting is enabled).