8.2.9 Notes on IM Configuration Management
Notes on monitoring more than 1024 agent hosts in one JP1/IM - Manager
The time of reflection of the agent configuration (distributing the configuration) and acquisition of the agent configuration is proportional to the number of distribution hosts. Therefore, we recommend that you divide it into up to around 500 and distribute it using the differential distribution method.
Agent configuration verification is a function to inspect if the agent configuration in all agents in the system hierarchy matches the configuration definition information stored in the JP1/IM - Manager. The time required increases in proportion to the number of managed agent hosts. Perform agent configuration verification only when need to verify it. An example is when you changed the agent configuration on an agent host.
Profile batch-reflection and collection is a function to reflect and collect the profiles to all agents in the system hierarchy. The time required increases in proportion to the number of managed agent hosts. Perform profile batch-reflection and collection only when you changed the profile on the agent host. An example is when you define the profile to the agents (newly construction) or execute jbsrt_distrib command (changing the system configuration).
Like the central scope, the function to reflect information managed by the IM configuration management function to the central scope (jcfmkcsdata command, virtualization configuration, and the "Reflect Central Scope Monitoring Tree" menu of the Business Group) can be used until the end of September 2034, but not after October 2034.
For details of the jcfmkcsdata command, see "jcfmkcsdata" (1. command) in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Commands, Definition Files, and API Reference". For details on the function of reflecting virtualization configuration information to the central scope, see "8.3.5 Importing into the Central Scope". For details on the function of reflecting business group information and monitoring group information in the central scope, see "8.4.4 Monitoring using the Central Scope".