7.8.5 Converting special characters
When response action type is cmd, if any of the following control characters is included in the conversion source character data of the specified variable, the control character is converted to a single-byte space (0x20) and processed.
Control characters converted to half-width spaces: 0x01 to 0x1F (excluding tab (0x09)), 0x7F
Also, if JP1 event specified by a variable contains characters that have a special meaning in the command, such as " or "', the command may not be interpreted correctly. We recommend that you use configuration file for converting information to convert characters.
You can specify the pre-conversion character and the post-conversion character in configuration file for converting information. For more information, see configuration file for converting information (event_info_replace definition file) in JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference manual.
If the upper limit of the content of the command is exceeded after the variable is converted, KAJY64006-E message is output to the integrated trace log and integrated operation viewer.