4.19.1 Launching a linked product by monitor startup
In JP1/IM, you can select a JP1 event in the Event Console window and launch the GUI of the relevant application. This is known as monitor startup.
Depending on the application, by invoking the monitor startup you can directly launch a window related to the selected JP1 event. For example, if you select a job execution event issued by JP1/AJS and invoke the monitor startup, you will be taken directly to the window for managing the execution status of that job without having to navigate from a higher-level jobnet window.
Because you can launch an application window directly from a JP1 event that you want to investigate, you can quickly get on with the task by intuitive operation.
To use this functionality, the application that issued the JP1 event must support linkage with the monitor startup. For details about monitor startup support in a particular product, see the relevant manual listed below. For example, the JP1/AJS and JP1/PFM documentation describes the setup required to invoke the monitor startup from the Event Console window.
JP1/AJS: See the description about monitoring jobnets using JP1/IM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.
JP1/PFM: See the description of JP1/IM linkage in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.
You can add and change the applications that can be launched using the monitor startup by customizing a JP1/IM definition file. For an overview and description of how to customize the settings, see 5.17 Setting monitor startup for linked products in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.
- Important
The authentication information in JP1/IM - View is accessed when a user opens a window of any of the following linked products using the monitor startup functionality:
JP1/AJS - View
JP1/AJS - Web Console
JP1/PFM - Web Console
Note that JP1/IM - View authentication information is invalidated in the following cases:
The authentication server that the user is logged in to is restarted.
The information is reloaded by the jbs_spmd_reload command on the authentication server that the user is logged in to.
The primary authentication server that the user is logged in to is switched to the secondary authentication server.
When the authentication information in JP1/IM - View is invalid, the operations that can be performed depend on the product versions, as follows:
When JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View are both version 08-10 or later, the JP1/IM - View user is automatically re-authenticated and authentication information is re-acquired.
When either JP1/IM - Manager or JP1/IM - View is version 08-01 or earlier, authentication fails on the linked product side.
In 64-bit editions of Windows, if you execute a command in the %WINDIR%\System32 folder, the WOW64 redirection function redirects the command to a command in the %WINDIR%\SysWow64 folder. If the command is not found in the destination folder, command execution might fail. Be careful when you specify a command in the %WINDIR%\System32 folder as the execution command.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Overview of opening user-specified monitor windows
The functionality provided by JP1/IM - View lets you open a monitor window for a listed JP1 event. In the monitor window, you can view details about the job or application that issued the event, and directly operate on that job or application.
By customizing a JP1/IM definition file, in addition to the windows you can open by default#, you can open the user-specified windows listed below (only one application can be launched for a JP1 event):
User-specified application window
Specify the executable file of the application.
Web page
Specify the URL of the Web page you want to open.
You can also pass information about the particular JP1 event to the launched application.
- #
By default, you can open any of the following:
JP1/AJS (application window)
A submap window (Web page) of HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier
Some settings might have been added to the above products to enhance linkage with JP1/IM. Refer to the documentation of the application you want to use with JP1/IM.
For details about launching a monitor window for HP NNMi, see the manual Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Event Gateway for Network Node Manager i Description, User's Guide and Reference.
Note that monitor windows are controlled by the OS user who launched JP1/IM - View.
The following figure provides an overview of opening monitor windows.