4.4.5 When suppression of repeated-event display ends
This subsection describes when JP1/IM - Manager ends suppressing the display of repeated events. The descriptions in this subsection apply to all types of suppression (including the suppression of automated-action execution) imposed on the repeated events that meet a repeated event condition specified without any threshold value set.
After a repeated event was determined as a target of display suppression, JP1/IM - Manager ends suppressing repeated-event display if it receives, from the event service, no suppression-target repeated event for a specified period (end monitoring period). The end monitoring period is specified on the Options page of the Repeated Event Condition Settings window.
JP1/IM - Manager determines whether to end suppressing repeated-event display when it receives an event from the event service.
JP1/IM - Manager determines whether to end suppressing repeated-event display according to each repeated event condition.
The following describes the operation in which JP1/IM - Manager does not receive any repeated event subject to display suppression from the event service for a specified period (end monitoring period) that is assumed to be 2 seconds.
JP1/IM - Manager determines whether to end suppressing repeated-event display on the basis of the arrival time (B.ARRIVEDTIME) of the events acquired from the event service. JP1/IM - Manager ends display suppression when the arrival time of the latest event acquired from the event service satisfies the condition shown below.
Condition for ending the suppression of repeated-event display
Arrived-time-of-the-newly-acquired-event - arrival-time-of-the-latest-repeated-event ≥ end-monitoring-time
In the example shown in Figure 4-39, the above condition for ending the suppression of repeated-event display is satisfied first when event G is acquired.
Condition for ending the suppression of repeated-event display (with reference to event G)
Arrived time of event G (second 6) - arrival time of event E (second 4) ≥ 2 seconds
Therefore, JP1/IM - Manager ends suppressing repeated-event display when it receives event G.
For the information that is displayed by JP1/IM - View when the suppression of repeated-event display ends, see 4.4.6 Event list display during the suppression of repeated-event display.
Other cases of ending display suppression than those in which no repeated event subject to display suppression has been acquired from the event service for a specified period (end monitoring period)
The suppression of repeated-event display ends also in the following cases:
When JP1/IM - Manager stops
If the suppression of repeated-event display ends because JP1/IM - Manager stops, no suppression end event is issued even when issuance of the notification of the end of display suppression has been set. For details about the suppression end event, see 4.4.8 Issuing events associated with the suppression of repeated-event display.
When a repeated event condition is changed or deleted
In this case, JP1/IM - Manager ends suppressing the display of only the consolidation events that meet specific repeated event conditions. The specific repeated event conditions are those that were marked with the editing icon when they were updated in the List of Repeated Event Conditions window or those that have been deleted.