4.3.8 Issued correlation event
A correlation event is issued when a correlation event generation condition is satisfied or fails. The issued correlation event is registered in the JP1/Base event database.
You can specify any attribute name and any attribute value for the issued event. By using a variable to specify an attribute of the correlation source event, you can pass the attribute value to the correlation event.
The following table describes the contents of an issued correlation event. The table does not cover attributes that can be optionally specified by the user, such as a message (B.MESSAGE).
Attribute type |
Item |
Attribute name |
Contents |
Basic attribute |
Event ID |
ID |
User-defined event ID A value in the range from 0 to 1FFF and from 7FFF8000 to 7FFFFFFF is displayed. |
Message |
User-defined message |
Extended attribute |
Common information |
Product name |
Object type |
Object name |
EGS# |
Occurrence |
Correlation event type. Either of the following is set:
Program-specific information |
Relation Event serial number |
serial-number-in-event-databaseΔserial-number-in-event-database...# (serial number of each correlation source event in the event database, separated by spaces) |
Correlation event generation condition name |
Name of the satisfied correlation event generation condition |
#: Fixed value, not definable by the user.
To check issued correlation events, you must display Type in the Event Console window. Add Type to the Display items & order box in the Preferences window. With this setting, an icon is displayed in the Type field. The icon indicates the generation condition was satisfied; the
icon indicates the generation condition failed.
You can perform the same operations and settings on correlation events as on JP1 events. For example, correlation events can trigger an automated action, and can be filtered by an event acquisition filter or event receiver filter. You can also view the correlation source events that resulted in a correlation event in the Related Events (Correlation) window or Related Events (Correlation fails) window.
Note, however, that you cannot make an issued correlation event subject to any further correlation processing.
For details about the Preferences window, see 3.24 Preferences window in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.
For details about the Related Events (Correlation) and Related Events (Correlation fails) windows, see 3.9 Related Events (Correlation) window in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.