4.3.3 Status transition and operation settings of the correlation event generation function
The correlation event generation function can have any of the statuses shown in the table below.
You can check the status of the correlation event generation function using the jcoegsstatus command.
To enable the correlation event generation function, after installing JP1/IM - Manager, execute jcoimdef - egs ON. After you have performed this setup, the function will start automatically the next time you start JP1/IM - Manager.
When the correlation event generation function has started, you can make it inactive by using the jcoegsstop command, and activate it again using the jcoegsstart command.
The following figure shows the status transition of the function.
When a large number of unwanted JP1 events have been issued through system maintenance, for example, you can temporarily suspend correlation processing by switching the correlation event generation function to inactive status. The function supports this kind of issued operation.