4.2 Filtering of JP1 events
JP1/IM and JP1/Base filter JP1 events and process only the necessary events. For example, you can forward only the JP1 events necessary for management to the manager, or filter JP1 events to be displayed on the viewer.
JP1/IM and JP1/Base provide the following five types of filtering:
Forwarding filter
Event acquisition filter
Event receiver filter
Severe events filter
View filter
By combining those filters, you can filter JP1 events and process only the necessary events. The position of the event acquisition filter (in the above five filters) differs depending on whether the integrated monitoring database is used.
For details about Intelligent Integrated Management Base event-view and JP1/IM-Agent log-monitor filtering, see " 3.10 Event management" and " 9.5.4 Log monitoring function".
The service components differ depending on whether the integrated monitoring database is used, but the processing of JP1/IM does not differ.
When the integrated monitoring database is used, JP1 events that passed through the event acquisition filter are stored into the integrated monitoring database.
The five filters are described next, in the order in which they are applied, starting from the issuing source.