
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

3.7.1 Initial secret

Temporary secret that the client uses for authentication when automatically registering and retrieving client secret when setting up the client (subject to authentication).

The secret ID is "MANAGER_initial".

Use initial secret in the following cases:

The following are REST API that initial secret can authentication:

Registers and retrieves initial secret when clicking [initial secret] in integrated operation viewer administration menu or executing initial secret Publishing API. If you want to change initial secret, you can reissue or re-acquire it by repeating the above procedure.

For more information, see 2.2.3 [Displaying initial secret] window in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager GUI Reference" and 5.4.3 initial secret Publishing in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".