3.6.5 Definition file manipulation function
The definition file operation facility has the following four functions.
Function for obtaining list of definition files
Capture function of definition file
Delete function of definition file
Update function of definition file
Each function is provided in the display and REST API.
The definition file manipulation facility can only operate on one host at a time. If you want to operate on multiple hosts, perform the operation from the screen multiple times.
If you have set up a resource group/business group, you can manipulate the definition-file within the scope of JP1/IM-Manger and JP1/IM-Agent to which the logged-in JP1 user has access. For more information about resource group access control, see 9.4.1(2) Access control.
This feature assumes that you are installing JP1/IM-Agent on the Integration Manager host.
- ■Case of multi-stage configuration
In the operation function of the definition file, the operation of the definition file is performed by calling REST API of the integration manager. If the Integration Manager is in a multi-stage configuration, JP1/IM-Agent definition-files under lower manager (office or relay manager) cannot be manipulated. Lower manager definition file and agent definition file under lower manager are manipulated from the Integrated Operations view of lower manager.
- Organization of this subsection
(1) Function for obtaining list of definition files
This function obtains a list of JP1/IM-Manager or JP1/IM-Agent definition files.
For details on REST API, see "5.17.1 List of definition files" in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference ".
(a) Host to retrieve
A single host can retrieve a list of definition files that can be retrieved in a single run. If you want to get a list of definition files from more than one host, you must run it multiple times.
(b) List of definition files to be acquired
Retrieves a list of user-created definition files that are defined in a definition file that can be updated by JP1/IM-Manager or JP1/IM-Agent, or user-created-definition file list definition file (imdd_user_deffile_list) or user-definition file list file (.json).
For the definition files that can be updated by JP1/IM-Manager or JP1/IM-Agent, and the files that can be defined by user-created-definition file list definition file and user-definition file list file, see the note of "List of definition files" (2. Definition Files) in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".
For more information on user-created-definition file list definition file and user-definition file list file, refer to the appropriate file in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference" (2. Definition Files).
The following table shows the items for each file that are retained as internal information in the list.
Item name |
Description |
File name |
File name. |
File path |
The absolute path where the file is located. |
File category |
The category that you specify for grouping multiple files. |
File update date |
The file-update date in "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+TZ" format. The time zone is the local time of the host from which the definition file list is obtained. |
Definition import operation |
The operations to be performed when the definition file is updated. |
For files with incorrect user-created-definition file list definition file or user-definition file list file definitions, add them to the list as files with invalid definitions.
(2) Capture function of definition file
This function retrieves JP1/IM-Manager or JP1/IM-Agent definition-file.
For more information about REST API, see "5.17.2 Get definition file" in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".
(a) Host to retrieve
You can retrieve definition files from a single host for a host that you can retrieve in a single run. If you want to retrieve the definition file from more than one host, you must run it multiple times.
(b) Definition file that received the acquisition request
Returns the definition file requested for retrieval in a single zip file. Returns a zip file-whether the destination is a Windows, Linux. The name of zip file is "hostname from which the definition file is retrieved_current time of the Integration Manager host (YYYYMMDDhhmmssSSS).zip"(YYYYMMDDhhmmssSSS is the local time of the Integration Manager host). If a file name is duplicated when a file is created, the current time is acquired again. When retrieving from integrated operation viewer window, the upper limit of the file size is 10 files for 1MB, retrieval. In addition to the definition file, the contents of zip file are included in definition file properties file.
The extension fields that are set in zip file created by the definition file manipulation function use the "Extended Timestamp Extra Field" supported by Go. The update date and time of the definition file created when zip file is extracted is expressed in the time zone of JP1/IM-Manager host.
- Important
When extracting zip files, use a tool that supports Extended Timestamp Extra Field. If you use an unsupported zip decompression tool, the update date and time of the definition file created when you extract zip file is not represented by JP1/IM-Manager time zone when JP1/IM-Agent time zone differs. Also, Windows Server standard zip does not support "Extended Timestamp Extra Field".
(c) Definition file properties file
For more information about definition file properties file that summarizes the information in the definition file, see definition file properties file (imdd_file_properties.json) in JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference. Place this file in zip when the definition file is retrieved. When you use the definition file update facility or the definition file deletion facility, you can use information about the location of the definition file or the post-placement import operation.
(d) Location of the compressed definition file
The compressed definition file is temporarily stored on JP1/IM-Manager servers to respond to requests to retrieve the definition file. The save destination is shown below.
- ■For Windows
- ■For UNIX
(e) Deleting a compressed definition file that was temporarily saved
The compressed definition file that was temporarily saved is no longer required after responding to the request to obtain the definition file. Therefore, when executing a process to temporarily save a compressed definition file, if a file with an update date of at least one day before the process execution time exists in the destination folder, the file is deleted.
(3) Delete function of definition file
Deletes a user-created definition file for a JP1/IM-Manager or JP1/IM-Agent.
For more information about REST API, see "5.17.3 Deleting a Definition File" in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".
(a) Files that can be deleted
The files that can be deleted are those that are defined in user-created-definition file list definition file or user-definition file list file and that actually contain the files.
If you want to use the definition file manipulation facility for a file that can be created in any folder of the definition files of the Integration Manager, you must place it in Manager path \conf\imdd\user. For a logical system, replace "Manager-path" with "shared-folder\JP1IMM".
For details about the files that can be defined in user-created-definition file list definition file or user-definition file list file, see the note in "List of Definition Files" (2. Definition Files) in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".
(b) Backing Up Files to Delete
Leave only one generation of backups before deleting files. After the deletion is complete, the backup file is deleted.
(c) Importing definitions after file deletion
After the file is deleted, the content described in updateaction of user-definition file list file is executed, and the definition information is updated.
(d) Recovery when an operation for definition import fails
If the operation for definition import fails, the deleted file is restored from the file that was being backed up. After that, the system executes the information described in user-created-definition file list definition file's updateaction again for definition import and recovers the definition information to the state that existed prior to the deletion of the file.
(e) Deleting backup files
After deleting a file or executing an operation for importing a file, the file that was being backed up is deleted regardless of whether the operation succeeded or failed. When executing the process of deleting a file, if a file with an update date of at least one day before the time of deletion exists in the destination of the backup file, the file is also deleted. Even if the deletion of the backup file fails, the deletion function of the definition file continues.
(f) Printing Integrated Trace Logs and issuing JP1 events
Outputs success and failure information about the delete operation of the definition file to the consolidation tray log. If the deletion is successful, it issues a JP1 event for the event ID:00007640. If the deletion fails, it issues a JP1 event for the event ID:00007641.
If the status is 200 in the definition file deletion API, the displayed message is KAJY68115-I. It is KAJY68116-E when the status is other than 200.
For output of the integrated trace log, deletion of the definition file of integrated agent is also output by the deletion function of the definition file of the integration manager.
- Important
If you delete a user-created definition file, edit user-created-definition file list definition file to delete the deleted file. If you do not delete the file information, KAJY68102-W message is displayed when the definition file list is retrieved.
If you delete information about a file that you plan to delete from user-created-definition file list definition file prior to deleting a user-created definition file, the file cannot be deleted, leaving unnecessary definition files. If this happens, add the information of the file to be deleted to user-created-definition file list definition file. After adding the file, delete the file using the definition file deletion facility, or delete the file by logging in directly to the host where the definition file is located.
(4) Update function of definition file
The ability to refresh user-created definition files for a JP1/IM-Manager or JP1/IM-Agent. This section describes updating JP1/IM-Manager definition-file.
For more information about REST API, see "5.17.4 Updating the definition file" in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".
(a) Updatable file
The files that can be updated are files that actually exist and can be updated from the list of definition files.
If you want to use the definition file manipulation facility for a file that can be created in any folder of the definition files of the Integration Manager, you must place it in Manager path\conf\imdd\user. For a logical system, replace "Manager-path" with "shared-folder\JP1IMM".
For details about the files that can be acquired in the definition file list, see 3.6.5(1)(b) List of definition files to be acquired.
(b) Backing up files to update
Leave only one generation of backups before updating the file.
(c) Importing definitions after file update
After updating the file, execute the information described in updateaction of user-definition file list file and update the definition information.
(d) Recovery when an operation for definition import fails
If the operation for definition import fails, the updated file is restored from the file that was being backed up. Executes the information described in user-definition file list file's updateaction for redefinition import, and then recovers the definition information to the status prior to the file update.
(e) Deleting Backup Files
After the operation execution processing for updating the file or for importing the file is completed, the file that was being backed up is deleted regardless of whether the operation succeeded or failed. When executing the process of deleting a file, if a file whose update date is at least one day earlier than the time of deletion exists in the backup file storage location, the file is also deleted. Even if the deletion of the backup file fails, the deletion function of the definition file continues.
(f) Printing Integrated Trace Logs and issuing JP1 events
Outputs success and failure information for update processing of the definition file to the integrated trace log. If the update is successful, it issues a JP1 event for the event ID:00007642. If the update fails, issue JP1 event of the event ID:00007643.
If the status is 200 in the definition file update API, the message that is output is KAJY68119-I. If the status is anything other than 200, the message is KAJY68120-E.
For the log output of the integrated trace log, the update function of the definition file of the integration manager also outputs the update of the definition file of integrated agent.