
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

2.7.7 Response Action results management database

Response Action results management database can be deployed on Intelligent Integrated Management Database to enable Response Action results management database to centrally manage control information and execution results for auto response Action, manual response Action.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Configuring the Database

See section 2.7.1(1)(a) Database configuration.

(2) Installation and Setup

Build Response Action results management database on Intelligent Integrated Management Database to manage control information and the execution result of auto response Action and manual response action and Defined File Manipulation functions.

For information about building an Intelligent Integrated Management Database (Response Action results management database), see "Building an Intelligent Integrated Management Database" in "JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide".

(3) Preserve response action execution info

(a) Function Overview

It holds response action execution control, system status determination control during auto execution, and manual action target determination control.

(b) Data Storage Duration

The table is created automatically when you set up Intelligent Integrated Management Database.

The table and its data records are deleted when Intelligent Integrated Management Database is unset up. It also deletes the data records from the oldest table partition if it begins writing to the table partition with the data record limit.

(4) Retention of information about the definition file manipulation function

(a) Function Overview

Holds control information for the definition file manipulation function and information about the acquired and updated files.

(b) Data Storage Duration

The table is created automatically when you set up Intelligent Integrated Management Database.

The table and its data records are deleted when Intelligent Integrated Management Database is unset up. It also deletes the data records from the oldest table partition if it begins writing to the table partition with the data record limit.