2.7.5 JP1 event translation function
This function converts event information generated in an external system into JP1 events and issues them using JP1/IM-Manager's JP1 Event Conversion REST API (JP1 Event Conversion API). The number of JP1 events that can be converted in a single request is 100.
JP1 events issued using the JP1 Event Conversion API can be treated as normal events using the existing functions of JP1/IM - Manager.
The JP1 event conversion function uses the following interface.
JP1 Event Conversion API
This is a REST API for sending event information that occurred in an external system from a linked product to JP1/IM - Manager.
For more information about JP1 event translation API, see "JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference", "5.6.5 JP1 Event Translation" documentation.
__transformEvent method
This method converts event information received by JP1/IM - Manager that occurred in the external system into JP1 events.
For more information on the __transformEvent method, see "4.4.4(5) transformEvent method" in "JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference" manual.