
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

2.3.4 Functionality for building, operating, and rebuilding the system

The following figure shows the functionality used at the build, operation, and rebuild phases.

Figure 2‒8: Functionality for building, operating, and rebuilding the system


It is sometimes necessary to rebuild the system or change its configuration during maintenance mode as a means of investigating and resolving an issue. In such cases, review the agent configuration or the system hierarchy using the configuration management functionality provided by Intelligent Integrated Management Base, IM Configuration Management, or JP1/Base.

We recommend that you use the IM Configuration Management functionality if you want to centrally manage the hierarchical structure of the system from JP1/IM - Manager. Using IM Configuration Management - View, you can define the system hierarchy by registering the hosts you want to manage, and adding, moving, or deleting hosts in the hierarchy.

If you choose not to use IM Configuration Management, you can define the system hierarchy using the JP1/Base configuration management functionality. You also have access to the JP1/Base functionality for collecting and distributing the information defined in JP1/Base on the hosts.

Decide in advance whether you want to use IM Configuration Management or the configuration management and definition collection and distribution functionality provided by JP1/Base. For details about these functions and considerations at the design stage, see the following table.

Table 2‒1: Details of functions and design considerations


Function details

Design considerations

  • IM Configuration Management

  • JP1/Base configuration management

  • JP1/Base definition collection and distribution