
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

2.1.1 How the component links with other products

In the integrated operation viewer, the system administrator can filter the statuses of linked systems by particular component to check necessary information quickly.

To collect system configuration information from other products and for it to take effect in JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base), you need to create and reflect tree information from integrated operation viewer or execute the jddcreatetree and jddupdatetree commands.

The following figure shows how linkage with other products works.

Figure 2‒2: How linkage with other products works


The flow of processing is described below, following the numbers in the figure:

  1. Generate tree info from integrated operation viewer or execute the jddcreatetree command.

    System configuration information managed by JP1/AJS and JP1/PFM is acquired.

    Information acquired from JP1/AJS includes the relationship between the root jobnet notifying a JP1 event and the one receiving the JP1 event, whereas information acquired from JP1/PFM includes the relationship between JP1/PFM - Manager and monitoring targets. These information items are acquired as link information.

  2. Reflect the tree info from integrated operation viewer or execute the jddupdatetree command.

    The acquired system configuration information and link information are imported into the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

  3. Log in to the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

    Information such as the imported root jobnet and the monitoring targets of JP1/PFM is displayed in the integrated operation viewer.

For details about generating and importing tree information from integrated operation viewer, see "2.2.2(2) [Generate Tree Information] dialog" and "2.2.2(3) [Reflect Tree Information] dialog" in "JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager window reference" manual.

For details about the jddcreatetree and jddupdatetree commands, see jddcreatetree and jddupdatetree in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.