1.4 System operation with JP1/IM - Manager
JP1/IM - Manager provides full support for a unified flow of operations from system monitoring through to error detection, investigation, and resolution. The following figure shows the functions that support each phase of the system operating cycle.
No matter how large or complex the system, JP1/IM - Manager enables a diverse range of resources to be managed in an integrated fashion. By providing the capability to accurately grasp the system status, and to rapidly detect and deal with problems as they occur, JP1/IM - Manager ensures that the entire system runs reliably.
Prior to the system-operation phase, during the build phase, you can use integrated operation viewer to set up and monitor agent (JP1/IM-Agent) configurations in integrated operation viewer, Central Console, and Central Scope.
You can also work with IM Configuration Management - View to define JP1/IM system hierarchy, and agent (JP1/Base) configurations and monitor them in the central console and scope.
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