1.3.10 Integrated management of the system hierarchy and host settings
In a JP1/IM system, you can hierarchically configure and define managers and agents to centralize the management of systems of any size, from small systems to large systems serving an entire enterprise.
IM Configuration Management enables you to operate the IM configuration management viewer to centrally manage, from the manager, the system hierarchy managed by JP1/IM (IM configuration) and the host settings. To use IM Configuration Management, you must set up the IM Configuration Management database.
Note that agent is JP1/Base when IM Configuration Management is used.
IM Configuration Management provides the following functionality:
Host management
You can register the hosts in the network as management targets with IM Configuration Management. You can also manage host information, such as the host name and IP address of each registered host.
Management of the system hierarchy
You can define the hierarchical structure of the system managed by JP1/IM, and apply information about the hierarchy (configuration definition information) to the system as a whole.
Profile management
You can check and edit the definition information (profiles) set in JP1/Base on the hosts that make up the JP1/IM system and for the remotely monitored hosts.
Management of service activity information
You can check whether the services on the managed hosts are active.
Figure 1‒16: Integrated management of the system hierarchy and host settings