
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

1.2.1 System life cycle

An IT system comprises a diverse range of resources, including servers, networks, and other hardware, and software-based operations such as job execution and security monitoring.

To make proper use of these various resources, administrative tasks must be carried out on an ongoing basis. These include assessing and re-allocating resources, and quickly detecting and resolving any problems that occur in those resources. The workflow and processes involved in ensuring that the system runs reliably are referred to as the system life cycle. The system life cycle consists of five phases: system design, build, operation, redesign, and rebuild. The following figure shows the life cycle phases and associated administrative tasks.

Figure 1‒3: System life cycle


As this figure shows, the administrative tasks differ at each phase of the system life cycle, as does the information that needs to be managed at each phase. The integrated management products optimize management of system information at each phase of the system life cycle and provide a framework of support for stable system operation.

The following describes system management issues and the role of the integrated management products at each phase of the system life cycle.