
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

csakeyadd (Registering and updating private key information for public key authentication)

Organization of this page


csakeyadd [-h]
           -keyfile file-path-of-private-key
          [-pass passphrase-for-private-key]
           -keyid key-ID
           -f public-key-authentication-information-definition-file


Registers or updates private key information required for public key authentication included in user authentication. You can register any number of public key authentication information items.

The registered or updated public key authentication information takes effect when the service adapter that uses the public key authentication information issues the first request. If you execute this command after the first request, the registered or updated public key authentication information takes effect after the service adapter starts the next time.

Note the following when you execute the command:



Displays the usage of the command. When you specify this option, all other options are ignored even if specified.

-keyfile file-path-of-private-key

Specifies the path of the private key file as a relative or absolute path. To include spaces in the path, enclose the entire option argument in double quotation marks (").

If the specified file does not exist, an error occurs.

-pass passphrase-for-private-key

Specifies the passphrase, if any, that has been set for the target private key.

-keyid key-ID ~ <halfwidth alphanumeric characters and underscores (_)> ((1 to 8 characters))

Specifies the ID that uniquely identifies the private key.

  • To register public key authentication information:

    Specify an ID that is unique in the public key authentication information definition file.

  • To update public key authentication information (with the -r argument specified):

    Specify an ID registered in the public key authentication information definition file.


Specify this option to update the public key authentication information that is already registered.

-f public-key-authentication-information-definition-file

Specifies the path of the public key authentication information definition file as a relative or absolute path. To include spaces in the path, enclose the entire option argument in double quotation marks (").

If the specified file does not exist, one of the following operations is performed:

  • When the public key authentication information is registered:

    If the specified file does not exist, a public key authentication information definition file with the specified name is created. However, an error occurs if the specified directory does not exist.

  • When the public key authentication information is updated (with the -r argument specified):

    If the specified file does not exist, an error occurs.

Return values

Return value



The command terminated normally.


The command terminated abnormally.


An error occurred when checking the execution permission.
