
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

csaftpuserls (Displaying FTP adapter users)

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csaftpuserls [-h]
 { -f path-of-FTP-adapter-account-definition-file | -name service-ID }


Displays the users that are registered in the FTP adapter account definition file. The display results are output to the standard output.

For details on how to use this command, see 5.4.14 Checking and changing the user information of the FTP adapter in the Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide.



Displays the usage of commands. When you specify this option, all other options are ignored even if specified.

-f path-of-FTP-adapter-account-definition-file

Specifies the relative or absolute path of the FTP adapter account definition file. To include spaces, enclose the entire option argument in double quotation marks (").

-name service-ID ~ <halfwidth alphanumeric characters and underscores (_)> ((1 to 8 characters))

Specifies the service ID of the FTP adapter in which the users to be displayed are registered.

Display format

(1) When the user authentication information is registered (without -name specified)

1: User ID 1= billing-information

2: User ID 2


The user authentication information registered without specifying the -name option is displayed. Each line contains information for one user. If the billing information is specified for a user ID, the billing information is displayed.

(2) When the user authentication information is not registered (without -name specified)


(3) When the user authentication information is registered (with -name specified)

1: User ID 1= billing-information

2: User ID 2


The user authentication information registered with the -name option specified is displayed. Each line contains information for one user. If the billing information is specified for a user ID, the billing information is displayed.

(4) When the user authentication information is not registered (with -name specified)


Return values

Return value



The command terminated normally.


The command terminated abnormally.


An error occurred when checking the execution permission.
