
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

4.2.3 Service adapter basic information

The Information page for a service adapter displays the basic information about the service adapter and enables you to check the service adapter settings. The following figure shows the Information page for service adapters and the items displayed on the page:

Figure 4‒4: Information page for service adapters (When the service type is Web Service)


Service name

Displays the service name of the service adapter.

Service ID

Displays the service ID of the service adapter.

Service type

Displays the service type of the service adapter. Displays any one of the following types:

  • Web Service (SOAP1.1)

  • Web Service (SOAP1.2)

  • SessionBean

  • MDB (WS-R)

  • MDB (DBQ)

  • Custom adapter

Source queue name

In the case of an asynchronous adapter, displays the name of the queue used by the service adapter. - is displayed before the service adapter is deployed.

Modified time

Displays the date and time when the deployed service adapter was last updated. If the acquisition of the basic information fails, acquisition error is displayed and - is displayed before the service adapter is deployed.

Information for the Service

Displays the information according to the service types.

The following table lists and describes the service types and the corresponding service information:

Table 4‒3: Items displayed for the service information corresponding to service types

Service type

Service information



Web Service (SOAP1.1)

Web Service (SOAP1.2)



Displays the Web Service URL.

Connection timeout(sec)

Displays a connection timeout value of the socket during the service module call

Read timeout(sec)

Displays a reading timeout value of the socket during the service module call

Write timeout(sec)

Displays a writing timeout value of the socket during the service module call

HTTP session support

Specify whether to support the HTTP session.

  • true

    Support session.

  • false

    Do not support session.

Check if basic authentication is required

Displays whether the service adapter uses basic authentication. One of the following is displayed:

  • true


  • false

    Not used.

Basic authentication user

Displays The value has already been set., if the basic authentication user ID is set up.

Basic authentication password

Displays The value has already been set., if the basic authentication password is set up.

Non-proxy server host

Displays the host name or IP address to be used when the proxy server is not used.

Proxy server host

Displays the host name or IP address of the proxy server.

Proxy server port

Displays the port number of the proxy server.

Proxy server user

Displays The value has already been set., if the authentication user ID is set up for the proxy server.

Proxy server password

Displays The value has already been set., if the password corresponding to the authentication user ID is set up for the proxy server.

Performance trace level

Displays whether the performance analysis trace is output. One of the following is displayed:

  • ALL

    The performance analysis trace is output at trace collection points.


    The performance analysis trace is not output at trace collection points.

For details about trace collection points, see the description of client definition file settings in the manual Application Server SOAP Application Development Guide.

Max. receivable SOAP envelope size

Displays the maximum number of bytes that can be received for SOAP envelope.

Max. sendable SOAP envelope size

Displays the maximum number of bytes that can be sent for a SOAP envelope.


Displays URL of Web Service.

Connection timeout [seconds]

Displays a connection timeout value of the socket during the service module call.

Read timeout [seconds]

Displays a reading timeout value of the socket during the service module call.

HTTP session support

Specify whether to support the HTTP session.

  • true

    Support session.

  • false

    Do not support session.

Check if basic authentication use is required

Displays whether the service adapter uses basic authentication. Displays one of the following:

  • true


  • false

    Not used.

Basic authentication user

Displays The value has already been set., if the basic authentication user ID is set up.

Basic authentication password

Displays The value has already been set., if the basic authentication password is set up.


Displays the Naming Service URL.

Lookup name

Displays a name of the service module that is registered in the JNDI name space and that is to be invoked.

EJB call timeout

Displays a timeout value of business method call during the service module call

Performance trace level

Displays whether the performance analysis trace is output. One of the following is displayed:

  • ALL

    The performance analysis trace is output at trace collection points.


    The performance analysis trace is not output at trace collection points.

For details about trace collection points, see the description of client definition file settings in the manual Application Server SOAP Application Development Guide.


Sender queue name

Displays the queue name to which a service adapter sends messages.

Call settings

Displays whether to connect to service components of the remote host or to service components of the local host. When connecting to service components of the remote host, Remote Call is displayed. When connecting to service components of the local host, Local Call is displayed.


Displays the message transfer destination URL for the transmit queue used by service adapters. If Call Settings is Local Call, nothing is displayed.

The number of the maximum messages

Displays the maximum number of messages that you can store in the transmit queue used by service adapters. If Call Settings is Local Call, nothing is displayed.

Order guarantee

Displays whether to guarantee that the transmit queue used by the service adapter transmits messages in the correct order. One of the following is displayed:

  • ON

    Order is guaranteed.

  • OFF

    Order is not guaranteed.

If Call Settings is Local Call, nothing is displayed.

RD area for creating a transmit queue

Displays name of the RD area for creating a transmit queue used by service adapters. If Call Settings is Local Call, nothing is displayed.


Sender queue name

Displays the queue name associated with service components.

Dependency HCSC-server

Displays the display name of the dependent HCSC server.