
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

1.4.18 Scope Activity Dialog

You use this dialog for defining scope activity details.

This dialog opens when you perform one of the following operations:

For details about how to define scope activity, see the description of the scope activity in the manual Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

Figure 1‒83: Scope Activity dialog


Figure 1‒84: Scope Activity dialog box (when the "Commit only at the beginning and end of this scope" radio button is selected for a higher-order scope)


Activity name

Specify an activity name. You can use the NCName definition characters of XMLSchema. Make sure that the activity name is unique within a business process (also includes a scope).

Advanced settings

Click ▼ to show and hide the Transaction Control area in the dialog box.

Transaction Control

Select either of the following radio buttons to determine when to commit a transaction.

Commit after each activity radio button (default)

Select this to commit a transaction after each activity.

Commit only at the beginning and end of this scope radio button

Select this to commit a transaction only at the beginning and end of the scope. When you define a scope activity with this button selected, note that a validation error occurs if a reception activity, response activity, or standby activity is defined in the scope activity.

For details about the notes on defining scope activities, see 5.6.12 Scope activity in the Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

If the Commit only at the beginning and end of this scope radio button is selected for a higher-order scope, you cannot use the above radio buttons to specify the time to commit a transaction.

OK button

Saves the defined contents and closes the dialog.

Cancel button

Closes the dialog without saving the defined contents.