
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

1.4.16 Standby Activity dialog

A Standby Activity dialog defines details about a standby activity.

When you perform any of the following operations, a Standby Activity dialog appears:

For details about defining a standby activity, see the contents related to the standby activity in the manual Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

Figure 1‒81: Standby Activity dialog


Activity name

Specify an activity name. NCName definition characters of XMLSchema can be used. Specify an activity name that is unique to the business process or scope.

Standby time

Use the following items to specify the standby time for the processing of the business process:

Interval radio button

Select this radio button to stop a process for any arbitrary period of time. For example, select the Interval radio button to stop a process for five minutes.

Term radio button

Select this radio button to stop a process up to any arbitrary period of time. For example, select the Term radio button to stop a process until June 31, 2009.


To use a variable in the Expression of Standby time, select the displayed variable name from the drop down list. The drop down list displays only variables that can be used from among the variables of the message type defined in the List of Variables and Correlation Sets dialog.

Display button

Displays the Display Variables dialog. In the Display Variables dialog, you can select the contents to be set up in Standby time from the contents of message type variables specified in Display Variables, and acquire the absolute path (XPath expression).

For details about the Display Variables dialog, see the subsection 1.4.4 Showing Variable Dialog.


Specify the expression displaying the intervals and period of standby time in the XPath. For details about the values to be specified, see the manual Service Platform Basic Development Guide.


Saves the defined contents, and then closes the dialog.

Cancel button

Closes the dialog without saving the defined contents.