
uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide

1.3.9 Add or Change Separator Dialog

The Add or Change Separator dialog is used either to add a separator that is to be used as a start separator, intervening separator, and end separator of a complex content element, or to change the information about a separator.

This dialog is displayed when you click the Add or Change button in the Select Separator dialog.

Figure 1‒61: Add or Change Separator Dialog



If there is a problem in the information that is entered in the Add or Change Separator dialog, a message indicating the problem is displayed in the title bar of the dialog. For details about displayed messages and measures to be taken, see the description for validating binary format definition files in the manual Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

Separator name

Specify the name of the separator. Specify a name consisting of a maximum of 256 characters that can be used in the NCName format.

When changing the information about an already defined separator, the initial display of the separator name is executed. When adding a new separator, the initial display of a name, wherein a serial number is added to the prefix Sepa-, is executed.

Separator value
String radio button

Select, when you use a character string as the separator value.

Byte array radio button

Select, when you use a byte string as the separator value.


Specify the character string or byte string to be used as the separator value. In the case of a character string, you can specify Latin characters (0x21 to 0x7E of JIS X 0201) or single-byte spaces (0x20 of JIS X 0201), within 1,024 characters.

An example of specification when you want to represent the ASCII character string 012 as the separator value is described below:

  • In the case of a character string

    Specify the character string as it is, specify 012.

  • In the case of a byte string

    Specify in the format without the hexadecimal 0x notation, specify 303132.

OK button

Commits the specified contents and closes the Add/ Change Separator dialog.

Cancel button

Closes the Add/ Change Separator dialog without committing the specified contents.