
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

7.7.22 Troubleshootingwhen executing the data transformation

This sub-section describes the major faults that occur during data transformation execution, and how to deal with those faults. The following table describes the major failures that occur during data transformation execution and how to handle those failures:

Table 7‒179:  Major failures and their solutions (analyzing the failures that occur during data transformation execution)


Major failure

Possible cause


Reference manual

Executing data transformation for XML message

When executing data transformation for XML message, KDEC40463-E is output and data transformation fails

Incorrect namespace in XML message (such as when declaration between the namespace and prefix added to the tag name of XML is incorrect)

Review the namespace of XML message. Correct the XML message and then execute service invocation again.

  • Service Platform Basic Development Guide

  • Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide

User message traces can include debug information for errors that occur during binary data transformation. The debug information can be used to determine the causes of the errors. Debug information is described in detail in other sections.