
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

5.7.1 Operations in the load-balancing cluster configuration

This subsection describes how to start and end operations using a load-balancing cluster configuration. It also describes how to add, change, and delete HCSC server that configures the load-balancing cluster during operations.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Starting operations

You can start system operations of the load-balancing cluster configuration after you finish configuring and setting up the environment. Procedure to start operations is as follows:

  1. Check the status of the execution environment components.

    To start system operations of the load-balancing cluster configuration, the following components of the execution environment listed must be already started and active in all load-balancing clusters:

    • Administration Agent

    • Management Server

    • PRF

    • Smart Agent

    • CTM (applicable if a CTM is used)#1

    • J2EE server#2

    • HCSC server#3

    • HTTP Server (applicable if HTTP Server is used)


    The CTM domain manager and CTM daemon must also be active.


    The status of applications such as Reliable Messaging must match. The system name of Reliable Messaging must be unique in each HCSC server in the load-balancing cluster.


    The deployed service adapter, business process, and standard reception must have the same status.

  2. Service requester transmission control

    Set the service requester to a status in which it can accept service component execution requests by connecting the network for the service requester that cannot accept service component execution requests because its network was disconnected during setup.

(2) Ending operations

To end the operations of the system having load-balancing cluster configuration:

  1. Service requester transmission control

    Ddisconnect the service requester network so that HCSC servers can no longer accept service module execution requests. In this case, confirm that no execution request is currently being processed.

  2. Stop execution environment components.

    Stop the components of the execution environment in all load-balancing clusters in the following order:

    • HTTP Server (applicable if HTTP Server is used)

    • HCSC server

    • J2EE server

    • CTM (applicable when a CTM is used)

    • Smart Agent

    • PRF

    • Management Server

    • Administration Agent

(3) Adding and deleting HCSC servers in the load-balancing cluster

You can add or delete HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster without stopping operations. For a load balancer, you can add or delete the HCSC server without stopping the operations only when the function for dynamically adding and deleting IP addresses is available. The method to add and delete HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster is as follows:

(a) Adding the HCSC server

  1. Set up the execution environment for the HCSC server to be added.

    For details on how to set up the execution environment, see "2.5.2(2) Execution environment setup".

    If you set up the HCSC server configuration definition file and the HCSC server setup definition file, confirm that the following values are the same in all HCSC servers in the load-balancing cluster:

    HCSC server configuration definition file

    • Cluster display name

    • Cluster type

    • Call type

    HCSC server setup definition file

    • All properties other than the rm-systemname and naming-service-hostname properties

      For the rm-systemname property, specify a Reliable Messaging system name that is unique in each HCSC server within the load-balancing cluster. For the naming-service-hostname property, specify the host name of the Naming Service that is set in the J2EE server on which each HCSC server has been set up.

  2. Start the HCSC-Server.

    For details on how to start the HCSC server, see "5.3.4 Starting HCSC server".

  3. Deploy the service adapter.

    For details on how to deploy service adapters, see "3.1.8 Deploying a service adapter".

  4. Deploy the business process.

    For details on how to deploy business processes, see "3.1.13 Deploying a business process".

  5. Start the service adapter.

    For details on how to start service adapters, see "5.3.6 Starting Service Adapters".

  6. Start the business process.

    For details on how to start business processes, see "5.3.7 Starting Business Processes".

  7. Start the standard reception.

    For details on how to start the standard reception, see "5.3.9 Starting standard receptions".

  8. Set up the load balancer.

    Set up the load balancer so that service component execution requests are dynamically sent to the HCSC server you have added.

    If you are using CTM, all HCSC servers must have the same CTM domain manager name and Smart Agent port number.

    For details on how to set up a load balancer, see the documentation for the load balancer in use.

    Important note

    If you are using CTM, service component execution requests are assigned to HCSC servers when the standard reception for the added HCSC server starts.

(b) Deleting HCSC servers

  1. Set up the load balancer.

    Set up the load balancer so that that no service component execution request is sent to the HCSC server to be deleted. At this time, confirm that all execution requests that are currently being processed are completed. If you are using CTM, lock the queue for sending service component execution requests to the target J2EE server.For details on locking of the queue when you are using CTM, see "3.7.4 Locking and controlling requests for a schedule queue" in "Application Server Expansion Guide".

    For details on how to set up a load balancer, see the documentation for the load balancer you are using.

  2. Stop the standard reception.

    For details on how to stop the standard reception, see"5.3.33 Terminating the Standard Reception".

  3. Stop the business process.

    For details on how to stop business processes, see "5.3.36 Terminating the Business Process".

  4. Stop the service adapter.

    For details on how to stop service adapters, see "5.3.35 Terminating the Service Adapter".

  5. Delete the business process.

    For details on how to delete business processes, see "3.3.2 Deleting a business process".

  6. Delete the service adapter.

    For details on how to delete service adapters, see "3.3.1 Deleting a service adapter".

  7. Stop the HCSC server to be deleted.

    For details on how to stop the HCSC server, see "5.3.38 Terminating the HCSC Server".

  8. Delete the HCSC server.

    For details on how to delete HCSC servers, see "3.3.5 Unsetting up an HCSC server".

(4) Adding and deleting service adapters to and from the load-balancing cluster

You can add or delete new service adapters without stopping service adapters that are already deployed in HCSC servers. The procedure for adding and deleting service adapters is as follows:

(a) Adding service adapters

  1. Deploy the service adapter to be added to all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

    For details on how to deploy service adapters, see "3.1.8 Deploying a service adapter".

  2. Start the added service adapter.

    For details on how to start service adapters, see "5.3.6 Starting Service Adapters".

  3. Perform settings to invoke the added service adapter.

    Important note

    Set such that the added service adapter is invoked after deploying and starting the service adapter to all the HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

(b) Deleting service adapters

  1. Perform settings such that the service adapter to be deleted is not invoked.

  2. Stop the service adapter to be deleted.

    For details on how to delete service adapters, see "5.3.35 Terminating the Service Adapter".

  3. Delete the service adapter from all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

    For details on how to delete service adapters, see "3.3.1 Deleting a service adapter".

    Important note

    Set so that the service adapter to be deleted is not invoked, and then delete the service adapter.

(5) Adding and deleting business processes to and from the load-balancing cluster

You can add or delete a new business process without stopping business processes that are already deployed to HCSC servers. The procedure for adding and deleting the business process is as follows:

(a) Adding the business process

  1. Deploy the business process to be added to all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

    For details on how to deploy business processes, see "3.1.13 Deploying a business process".

  2. Start the added business process.

    For details on how to start business processes, see "5.3.7 Starting Business Processes".

  3. Perform settings to invoke the added business process.

    Important note

    Set so that the added business process is invoked after deploy and starting the business processes in all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

(b) Deleting business process

  1. Perform settings such that the business process to be deleted is not invoked.

  2. Stop the business process to be deleted.

    For details on how to delete business processes, see "5.3.36 Terminating the Business Process".

  3. Delete the business process from all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

    For details on how to delete business processes, see "3.3.2 Deleting a business process".

    Important note

    Set such that the business process to be deleted is not invoked, and then delete the business process.

(6) Changing service adapters in the load-balancing cluster configuration

You can change service adapters without stopping service adapters that are already deployed to HCSC servers. The procedure for changing the service adapter is as follows:

  1. Perform settings such that the service adapter to be changed is not invoked.

  2. Stop the service adapter to be changed.

    For details on how to stop service adapters, see "5.3.35 Terminating the Service Adapter".

  3. Delete the service adapter to be changed from all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

    For details on how to delete service adapters, see "3.3.1 Deleting a service adapter".

  4. Import the repository in which the changed information of the service adapter is saved.

    For details on how to import, see "4.3 Importing a repository".

  5. Deploy the changed service adapter to all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

    For details on how to deploy service adapters, see "3.1.8 Deploying a service adapter".

  6. Start the changed service adapter.

    For details on how to start service adapters, see "5.3.6 Starting Service Adapters".

  7. Perform settings to invoke the changed service adapter.

    Important note

    Set such that the service adapter to be changed is not invoked, and then change the service adapter.

(7) Changing business processes in the load-balancing cluster configuration

You can change business processes without stopping business processes that are already deployed in HCSC servers. The method to change the business process is as follows:

  1. Perform settings such that the business process to be changed is not invoked.

  2. Stop the business process to be changed.

    For details on how to stop business processes, see "5.3.36 Terminating the Business Process".

  3. Delete the business process to be changed from all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

    For details on how to delete business processes, see "3.3.2 Deleting a business process".

  4. Import the repository in which the changed information of the business process is saved.

    For details on how to import repositories, see "4.3 Importing a repository".

  5. Deploy the business process to all HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster.

    For details on how to deploy business processes, see "3.1.13 Deploying a business process".

  6. Start the changed business process.

    For details on how to start business processes, see "5.3.7 Starting Business Processes".

  7. Perform settings to invoke the changed business process.

    Important note

    Set the business process such that it is not invoked, and then change the business process.

(8) Preventing HCSC server failure

To prevent failure of HCSC servers that configure the load-balancing cluster, it is recommended that that you prepare for sufficient number of HCSC servers for the load-balancing cluster.For details, see "7.9.2(1) Failure and recovery in load-balancing cluster configuration".