
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

5.3.6 Starting Service Adapters

This subsection describes the prerequisites for starting a service adapter, and how to start it.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Prerequisites

Before you start a service adapter, the HCSC server must be in active status.

For details about how to check HCSC server status, see 5.3.15 Checking the HCSC server information.

(2) How to start a service adapter

This subsection describes how to start a service adapter.

(a) Using windows

To start a service adapter using windows in the operating environment:

  1. In the tree view, double-click the service adapter to be started.

    Information about the double-clicked service adapter is displayed on the Operations page in the editor area.

    For details about the Operations page for service adapters, see 4.4 Operations Page in the manual uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide.

  2. Check the information displayed in the Operations page, and then click the Start button.

    A dialog box confirming startup of the service adapter is displayed.

  3. Check the information displayed in the dialog box and then click the OK button.

    The service adapter startup processing begins. Log information during startup processing is displayed in the console view.

    If the Cancel button is clicked, the system returns to the Operations page without executing startup processing.

    When service adapter startup processing is completed, a dialog box indicating the execution result is displayed.

  4. Check the dialog box indicating the execution result.

    If startup processing was successful:

    Click the OK button to return to the Operations page.

    On the Operations page, the service adapter status is set to active. Also, the Start button is disabled and the Stop button is enabled.

    If startup processing failed:

    The dialog box displays the nature of the error. Check the message ID provided in the detailed information, and then take appropriate action.

(b) Using commands

To start a service adapter, execute the csccompostart command or cscutil command in the operating environment.

Use the csccompostart and cscutil command in the following cases:

  • csccompostart command

    To start a service adapter in an operating environment where the corresponding repository exists.

  • cscutil command

    To start the service adapter in an environment (for example, execution environment directly operating in JP1) where the cscutil command can be used and where the corresponding repository does not exist.

The following describes how to execute the above commands:

Using the csccompostart command

Execute the csccompostart command in the operating environment.

For details about the csccompostart command, see csccompostart (Starting HCSC components) in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide.

The execution format of the csccompostart command is described below:

To start the service adapters deployed on all the HCSC servers in a cluster, in a batch (for each cluster)

Specify the cluster-name and the -all option and execute the command.

The service adapters deployed on all the HCSC servers in the cluster specified with the -cluster option are started in a batch (all the business processes and user-defined receptions that are not running, are also started at the same time).

csccompostart -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -cluster cluster-name -all

If you want to start only the service adapter without starting the business process and user-defined reception, specify the service ID of the service adapter.

csccompostart -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -cluster cluster-name -name service-ID-of-the-service-adapter
To start all the service adapters deployed on the HCSC server in a batch (for each HCSC server)

Specify the HCSC server name and the -all option and execute the command.

The service adapters deployed on the HCSC server specified with the -csc option are started (all the business processes and user-defined receptions that are not running, start at the same time).

csccompostart -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -csc HCSC-server-name -all

If you want to start only the service adapter without starting the business process and user-defined reception, specify the service ID of the service adapter.

csccompostart -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -csc HCSC-server-name -name service-ID-of-the-service-adapter
Using the cscutil command

Execute the cscutil command in the operating environment. Specify compo in the -target option and start in the -operation option.

For details about the cscutil command, see cscutil (Various operations) in the manual uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide.

The execution format of the cscutil command depends on whether or not a property definition file is used.

When a property definition file is not used

In the -props option, specify the service adapter's service ID, HCSC server name, J2EE server name, and type.

cscutil -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -mng manager-name -target compo -operation start -props "AdapterName=service-ID-of-the-service-adapter, CSCSrvName=HCSC-server-name, J2EESrvName=J2EE-server-name, ServiceKind=serviceAdapter"

You can use the cscrepls command to check the Manager name, service adapter's service ID, HCSC server name, and J2EE server name that are specified in the cscutil command. For details about the cscrepls command, see cscrepls (Displaying the repository information) in the manual Service Platform Reference Guide.

When a property definition file is used

Specify the name of the property definition file name in the -propfile option. The property definition file must be created beforehand in the J2SE property file format.

cscutil -user login-user-ID -pass login-password -mng manager-name -target compo -operation start -propfile property-definition-file-name