
uCosminexus Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide

5.3.26 Changing the Communication Timeout Value for Invoking Service Modules

In the operating environment, you can change the communication timeout value for invoking the service modules of the service adapters of Web services and SessionBeans.

This subsection explains the prerequisites for changing the communication timeout value for invoking the service modules of the service adapters for Web services and SessionBeans and how to change the value.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Prerequisites

To change the communication timeout value for invoking the service modules of the service adapter for Web service and service adapter for SessionBean, the following conditions must be met:

(2) Change Procedures

The following describes how to change the communication timeout value:

  1. The service adapter will now stop.

    Specify the -cluster option with the csccompostop command and terminate the service adapters deployed on all the HCSC servers in the cluster, in a batch.

    For details about how to terminate service adapters, see 5.3.35 Terminating the Service Adapter.

  2. Delete the service adapter.

    Specify the -cluster option with the csccompoundeploy command and delete the service adapters deployed on all the HCSC servers in the cluster, in a batch.

    For details about how to delete service adapters, see 3.3.1 Deleting a service adapter.

  3. Collect and update the service information and change the communication timeout value for invoking the service.

    For details about how to collect and update the service information, see 3.1.6 Changing the service information.

    Note that when you want to change the communication timeout value for invoking the service module, update the service information and change the following parameter values in the service information change definition file. For details about the service information change definition file, see 6.5.10 Service-information change definition file in the manual uCosminexus Service Platform Reference Guide.

    In the case of the service adapter for Web service (SOAP 1.1 mode)
    Cluster-name. Service-ID.WebService.c4web.application.socket_write_timeout=write-timeout-value
    In the case of the service adapter for Web Services (SOAP 1.1/ 1.2 combined mode)
    In the case of the service adapter for SessionBean
  4. Deploy the service adapter.

    Specify the -cluster option with the csccompodeploy command and deploy the service adapters on all the HCSC servers in the cluster in a batch.

    For details about how to deploy service adapters, see 3.1.8 Deploying a service adapter.

  5. The service adapter will now start.

    Specify the -cluster option with the csccompostart command and start the service adapters deployed on all the HCSC servers in the cluster, in a batch.

    For details about how to start service adapters, see 5.3.6 Starting Service Adapters.