
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

6.18.4 Precautions related to reset up and deletion of a cache

The following table describes the precautions related to re-set up and deletion of a cache:

Table 6‒34: Precautions related to reset up and deletion of a cache




When resetting up a cache, all the schema documents specified in the schema definition file are parsed, and grammar objects are setup, so the parsing process takes more time.

Therefore, the first parser after executing the cacheon command will take more than normal time for processing.


When resetting up a cache and starting or stopping J2EE servers, the directories with the names same as of the J2EE server names that exist below the directories specified in diskcache_path will be deleted. Therefore, do not generate files or directories with the names same as that of the J2EE servers in the directory specified in diskcache_path.


After setting up a cache, if you change the directory specifications of diskcache_path in the schema definition file, the disk cache might not be deleted when stopping the J2EE server or executing the cacheoff and cacheon commands. In such cases, manually delete the remaining files.