
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

6.18.3 Precautions related to schema definition files

The following table describes the precautions related to schema definition files:

Table 6‒33: Precautions related to schema definition files




,D that is coded at the end of a specified value of the schema_xxx property is considered as a disk cache specifier, so do not use names ending with ,D for schema document files.


A schema document that is referenced using xsd:import is always cached in the memory regardless of the specification of schema definition files. The schema document that is referenced using xsd:include or xsd:redefine is merged with grammar objects of the schema document of reference source, so the cache location (memory or a disk) will be the same as the location of the schema document of the reference source.


If a schema document that is to be used for verification is specified in the format of InputStream and array of objects within the property, a cache will not be used during the verification.

You can use a cache only when the schema document is specified in any of the following formats: String, File, or InputSource. However, for InputSource, you must use the getSystemId method to acquire a system identifier.


When a parser error occurs while setting up a cache, the schema document that caused the error and the schema document referencing that document will not be cached.


The internal files (INFO file) used for cache setup and deletion by the schema cache functionality are saved in the cache_info directory (INFO directory) below <JAXP_DIR>. Therefore, if the disk storage of <JAXP_DIR># exceeds 100%, the cache functionality might not work normally.


The schema cache functionality changes or deletes the directories and files exist in the directory specified for the diskcache_path property. Therefore, do not specify a directory used by the system in the diskcache_path property.


When specifying a XML schema document, for which an external reference is to be resolved using the entity resolver, in the schema definition file, resolution of the external reference cannot be performed during the cache setup. Therefore, an attempt to parse the schema document will fail and the cache will not be set up.


This is the jaxp directory in the directory where Cosminexus is installed.