
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

4.8 How to use the properties of JAXB

In JAXB, you can set up the properties in Marshaller. The JAXB properties supported by Cosminexus XML Processor are as follows:

JAXB properties supported by Cosminexus XML Processor
  • jaxb.encoding

  • jaxb.formatted.output

  • jaxb.schemaLocation

  • jaxb.noNamespaceSchemaLocation

  • jaxb.fragment

For details about properties, see Chapter 4.5.2. Marshalling Properties and javadoc of JSR 222 The Java Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) 2.2.

For details about the character encodings that can be specified in jaxb.encoding, see 1.3.2 Character encodings that can be processed.

To set up properties in Marshaller, use the setProperty method of the javax.xml.bind.Marshaller class. How to set a property is shown below.
