
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

1.3.2 Character encodings that can be processed

The character encoding for an XML document is specified in the encoding attribute (XXX in encoding="XXX") of the XML declaration in an XML document. The character encoding can also be specified as the encoding of the InputSource object that is used as the input source for the XML document.

Cosminexus XML Processor can process the following character encodings among those registered by IANA. For the definition of a character encoding, see the document regarding the IANA character sets.


For details about switching character encoding (SJIS or MS932) applied when using Shift_JIS, see 1.3.3 Shift_JIS Switch Function.


Only the formats with the byte order of big-endian or little-endian and with no Byte-Order-Marks added are supported.

Important note

If any other character encoding is used, operation is not guaranteed.