
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

1.3.3 Shift_JIS Switch Function

The Shift_JIS switch function changes the character encoding applied by Cosminexus XML Processor when the encoding attribute in the XML document is specified as Shift_JIS. Character encoding can be switched for each instance of the XML parser or XSLT transformer.

Character encoding specified for encoding of the XML document can be switched to SJIS (x-sjis-jdk1.1.7) or MS932 (x-sjis-cp932) according to the specification in the Shift_JIS switch function provided by Cosminexus XML Processor. For details about the correspondence between the XML encoding specification and the applied character encoding, see Table 3-1 in 3.1 Shift_JIS Switch Function.

For details about how to use the Shift_JIS switch function, see 3.1 Shift_JIS Switch Function.