
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

3.9.2 How to set up the compatibility option functionality

Organization of this subsection

(1) Files for setting up the compatibility option functionality

You can set up the compatibility option functionality in one of the following files according to the environment in use:

(2) Setting up the properties

Specify the properties in the file in the following format. The values of the compatibility option are only read once during startup. You cannot change the values after startup.


The following table describes the property names and the set values used in the functionality for validated parsing compatibility.

Table 3‒20: Property names and set values used in the functionality for validated parsing compatibility


Property name

Set value

When the schema and instance documents reference a URI with an invalid syntax


  • ON

    The same operations are executed as in version 06-00.

  • OFF, other characters

    The same operations are executed as in version 07-00 or later (default).

When a non-existing schema document is referenced
