
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

3.9.1 Overview of the compatibility option functionality

With the compatibility option functionality of XML Processor, you can use the functionality for validated parsing compatibility that uses the XML schema. With the functionality for validated parsing compatibility, version 06-00 operations and version 07-00 or later operations are switched for the items described in the following table.

Table 3‒19: Operations switched with the functionality for validated parsing compatibility


XML Processor 06-00 operations

XML Processor 07-00 or later operations

When the schema document and instance document reference a URI with an invalid syntax

No exception is thrown.

The following exceptions are thrown:

  • For operations with JDK 5 or with JDK 7 or earlier


  • For operations with JDK6

    NullPointerException or IllegalArgumentException

When a non-existing schema document is referenced

The KECX06069-E error (warning event) is not reported.

The KECX06069-E error (warning event) is reported.