
uCosminexus Application Server XML Processor User Guide

2.5.2 csmschemagen command (Mapping from Java to the XML Schema)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

csmschemagen [option [option argument] ] [ file name] Java source file name

You can omit the option and file. Always specify the option and before the Java source file name.

(2) Function

Schema generator for mapping from Java to the XML Schema.

(3) Options

-d output-destination-directory

Specifies the output destination directory of the output schema document and intermediate file. For details on how to specify the output destination directory name, see Characters that can be specified in the file name or directory name of the command, path delimiting characters, and how to specify a path.

If omitted, the current directory will become the output destination directory.

-encoding character-encoding

Specifies the character encoding of the Java source to be input.

For character encoding that can be specified in Cosminexus XML Processor, see 1.3.2 Character encodings that can be processed.

If omitted, depending on the OS in use, the operations will differ as follows:

In Windows

The default character encoding for the OS is applied.


The character encoding specified in the environment variable LANG is applied. Even if the environment variable LANG is not specified, the default character encoding for the OS is applied.

(4) Input Java source

You can specify one Java source file. For details on the characters that can be specified in the file name, path delimiting characters, and how to specify a path, see Characters that can be specified in the file name or directory name of the command, path delimiting characters, and how to specify a path.

(5) Output schema document

Output as file name scheman.xsd (n is a numeric character) in the current directory or directory specified in the -d option. If a file with the same name exists in the output destination directory, then that file will be overwritten.

(6) Intermediate file

(7) Return value


Normal termination.

Value other than 0:

Abnormal termination.

(8) Notes

In Cosminexus 09-70 or later, when the csmschemagen command is executed, the schemagen command provided by Java SE 8 is executed.

However, use only the options supported by the csmschemagen command.

If invalid options are specified, the command might end with no error message displayed.

Note that if you use the command help, the help information for the schemagen command is displayed.

If you specify an uncompilable Java source file, the command ends with no error message displayed and no schema generated. Before executing the csmschemagen command, use the javac command to confirm that the target source files will not cause errors.