
uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide

4.2.1 Log types

The following table describes the types of log.

Table 4‒1: Types of log

Types of log

Directives to be specified


Access log


  • Collect the log in default format.

  • You can use the rotatelogs or rotatelogs2 program to divide the log periodically and quantitatively.

  • You can change the log file format with the LogFormat directive.


  • Collect the log in customized format.

  • You can use the rotatelogs or rotatelogs2 program to divide the log periodically and quantitatively.

  • You can specify the format defined with the LogFormat directive in the CustomLog directive.

Error log


  • Collect the log of error message when an error occurs.

  • You can use the rotatelogs or rotatelogs2 program to divide the log periodically and quantitatively.

  • You can specify the log level to be collected with the LogLevel directive.

  • When the HWSRequestLog directive is not specified, module trace information can be collected.

    For details on the module trace, see 4.2.6 Collecting the module trace.


  • Collect the CGI script error log.

Request log


  • Collects the request log. The following trace information can be collected as the request log:

    Module trace information

    Module trace information is collected when module functions and CGI programs are executed. For details on module trace information, see 4.2.6 Collecting the module trace.

    Request trace information

    Request trace information is collected when the request process starts and is completed. For details on request trace information, see 4.2.7 Collecting request trace information.

    I/O filter trace information

    I/O filter trace information is collected when the input and output filter function implemented in the module is executed. For details on I/O filter trace information, see 4.2.8 Collecting I/O filter trace information.

    Proxy trace information

    When the reverse proxy functionality is used, this trace information helps you understand the processing status of the reverse proxy. For details on proxy trace information, see 4.2.9 Collecting proxy trace information.

  • You can use the rotatelogs or rotatelogs2 program to divide the log periodically and quantitatively.

Process ID log


  • Collect the control process ID log.

Event log


  • Record the error that occurs when you start the server from a service (Windows Version).

Internal trace


  • Output the trace information of shared memory.

Shared memory ID log


  • Store the shared memory ID.

Core file#


  • Specify a directory where the core dump will be output when a failure occurs in HTTP Server (UNIX Version).

WebSocket log


  • Collect log data in WebSocket communication.

  • You can use the rotatelogs or rotatelogs2 program to divide the log periodically and quantitatively.


The log is output when you specify the settings to output the core file in the OS.

For details on the setting method, see the respective OS manual.

If the size of the access log, error log or request log exceeds 2 GB, HTTP Server might abnormally end or not restart. Back up the log files periodically, or specify settings so that the sizes of the log files do not exceed 2 GB, as noted in 4.2.3 Dividing logs (rotatelogs program) and 4.2.4 Reusing the log files by wrapping around (rotatelogs2 program).