
uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide

4.2.6 Collecting the module trace

The Web server consists of multiple modules#, and these modules consist of multiple functions to be executed at a specific time. Module trace information indicates the trace information collected when functions in modules and CGI programs are executed. The specifications for module trace information collection, such as the destination of the module trace information collection, is changed depending on whether the HWSRequestLog directive is specified.

#: Modules refer to both external modules, which are dynamically embedded and used by using the LoadModule directive in Web server, and internal modules, which are included in the httpsd execution file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Trace target

The following table describes the trace target of module trace:

Table 4‒3: Trace target of module trace

Trace target



Modules consist of multiple functions. These functions are classified into functions for initialization processes and functions for request handling processes. The trace information of functions for request handling processes is collected.

CGI programs

Collect the trace when the CGI programs are running.

(2) How to collect module trace information

When the HWSRequestLog directive is not specified, module trace information is collected and placed in the file specified in the ErrorLog directive according to the specification of the LogLevel directive.

When the HWSRequestLog directive is specified, module trace information is collected and placed in the file specified in the HWSRequestLog directive according to the specification of the HWSRequestLogType directive.


When logs are collected and placed in the file specified in the ErrorLog directive, the file can be split by virtual hosts. If logs are collected and placed in the file specified in the HWSRequestLog directive, the file cannot be split by virtual hosts.

(3) Collection level

The level of the module trace information to be collected can be changed according to the LogLevel directive or the HWSRequestLogType directive. The contents of the trace information collected at each level are as described below.

(a) info level

The trace information for external modules and CGI programs which might cause a failure is collected.

When you specify either info in the LogLevel directive or module-info in the HWSRequestLogType directive, the trace information is collected.

(b) debug level

In addition to info-level trace information, trace information for internal modules, which run for each request, are collected.

When you specify either debug in the LogLevel directive or module-debug in the HWSRequestLogType directive, trace information is collected.

(4) Trace format

The following are output items of module trace:

Note that in the following coding, server-process-ID is used in the format when the prefork MPM is used in the UNIX version. In place of server-process-ID, server-process-ID:server-thread-ID is displayed for the worker MPM in the UNIX version, and server-thread-ID is displayed in the Windows version.

(a) Modules

  • When log is output to the info level

    Call time
    Return time


    Δ: Space

    The following table describes the relationship between the function offset and the functions:

    Table 4‒4: Relationship between function offsets and the functions

    Function offset

    Function name




    Executing the request start process.



    Executing the process after reading the request.



    Executing the process before changing the requested URL.



    Executing the process to change the actual file name from the requested URL.



    Executing the request process that does not involve disk access.



    Executing the process to analyze the request header.



    Checking the access permission by the host name, and the IP address for the URL requested from an authenticated user.



    Checking the user ID.



    Checking the access permission (Require) for the URL requested from an authenticated user.



    Checking the MIME type.



    Executing the process before request execution.



    Executing the filter insertion process.



    Executing handler.



    Executing the process before responding to error.



    Executing the log output process.



    Executing the process after error log output.



    Executing the process to acquire the user information.



    Executing the process before reading the request.



    Checking the additional access permissions.

    (Output example)

    [Fri Jul 15 17:29:43 2005] (1864) [info] hws : module --> (mod_example.c[1])
    [Fri Jul 15 17:29:43 2005] (1864) [info] hws : module <-- (mod_example.c[1])(-1)
  • When log is output to debug level

    Call time
    Return time

    Δ: Space

    (Output example)
    [Fri Jul 15 17:29:43 2005] (1864) [debug] request.c(69): hws : module --> (mod_alias.c[3])
    [Fri Jul 15 17:29:43 2005] (1864)[debug] request.c(69): hws : module <-- (mod_alias.c[3])(-1)

(b) CGI program

  • When module trace information is output at the info level

    Call time

    #: The argument from args is displayed only when the specified query is followed by a + (plus) and not by = (is equals to), as in the case of GET. /cgi-bin/isindex?aaa+bbb+ccc HTTP/1.0.

    Return time
    [Time]Δ(server-process-ID)Δ[info]ΔhwsΔ:ΔcgiΔ<--Δ(exec=cgi-file-name)(argv0= execution-program-name)(cgi-process-ID)

    Δ: Space

    (Output example)
    [Fri Jul 15 19:48:08 2012] (1784) [info] hws : cgi --> (exec=Application Server-installation-directory/httpsd/cgi-bin/isindex)(argv0=isindex)(args=aaa+bbb+ccc)(1144)
    [Fri Jul 15 19:48:08 2012] (1784) [info] hws : cgi <-- (exec=Application Server-installation-directory/httpsd/cgi-bin/isindex)(argv0=isindex)(1144)

(5) How to use

(a) Usage example

An example to output info-level module trace information and request trace information to the request log is as follows:

HWSRequestLogType module-info request
HWSRequestLog logs/hwsrequest.log