
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

-XX:HitachiVerboseGCIntervalTime (Option for specifying the output interval of extended verbosegc information)

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-XX:HitachiVerboseGCIntervalTime = integer-value


Specify the time interval (second) to output the extended verbosegc information.

When option is specified

The extended verbosegc information is not output for each GC, but it is output for the following cases of GC that exceeds the specified time. In such cases, the number of times the following GC occurs between the previous output and the current output is also output. This option always outputs the number of times the GC occurs.

Table 14‒5: List of the GC frequency

Character string



Number of times the Full GC is skipped.


Number of times the copy GC is skipped

When option is not specified

By default, 0 seconds is specified and the extended verbosegc information is output for each occurrence of GC.

Default value
  • -XX:HitachiVerboseGCIntervalTime=0

Prerequisite options
  • -XX:+HitachiVerboseGC



Specify the integer value from 0 to 2147483647 (unit: seconds). However, if a value out of range is specified, 0 is set. When negative value is specified, an error will occur.