
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

-XX:[+|-]HitachiCommaVerboseGC (Option for CSV output)

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This option outputs the extended verbosegc information in the comma format so that the output can be obtained in a CSV file.

Delete all brackets (parenthesis (), square brackets [], angle brackets <>) and colons (:), and output the comma-delimited numeric values or character strings (,).


This option outputs the extended verbosegc information in the normal format.


Specify whether to output the extended verbosegc information in CSV format.

Default value
  • -XX:-HitachiCommaVerboseGC

Prerequisite options
  • -XX:+HitachiVerboseGC

Output format (if serial GC is used)

The following are the output contents when the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCIntervalTime option is specified:

id, date, full_count, copy_count, inc_count, gc_kind, gc_info, gc_time, eden_info, survivor_info,tenured_info, metaspace_info, classspace_info, cause_info, user_cpu, system_cpu, jvm_alloc_size, mmap_total_size, malloc_total_size, thread_count, doe_alloc_size, called_count, cc_used_size, cc_max_size, cc_info

Indicates the identifier for JavaVM log file.


Indicates the date and time for starting GC. When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintDate option is specified, the date is not output.


Indicates the number of times the output of full GC information is skipped.

This is output when the -XX:HitachiVerboseGCIntervalTime option is specified.


Indicates the number of times the output of copy GC information is skipped.

This is output when the -XX:HitachiVerboseGCIntervalTime option is specified.


0 is displayed.

This is output when the -XX:HitachiVerboseGCIntervalTime option is specified.


Indicates the GC type. "FullGC" or "GC" is output.


Indicates the GC information. The information is output in the following format. The unit is kilobyte.


Indicates the elapsed time for GC. The unit is in seconds.


Indicates the Eden information. The information is output in the following format: The unit is in kilobytes.


Indicates the Survivor information. The information is output in the following format: The unit is in kilobytes.


Indicates the Tenured information. The information is output in the following format: The unit is in kilobytes.


Indicates the information about the metaspace area. The information is output in the following format: The unit is kilobytes.

size-of-used-area-before-GC, size-of-capacity-before-GC, size-of-committed-area-before-GC, size-of-used-area-after-GC, size-of-capacity-after-GC, size-of-committed-area-after-GC

Indicates the information about the compressed class space. The information is output in the following format: The unit is kilobytes.

size-of-used-area-before-GC, size-of-capacity-before-GC, size-of-committed-area-before-GC, size-of-used-area-after-GC, size-of-capacity-after-GC, size-of-committed-area-after-GC

Indicates the cause number of GC.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintCause option is specified, this information is not output.

For the GC cause number, see -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintCause (Option to output the cause of GC).


Indicates the CPU time that the GC thread has consumed in the user mode. The unit is in seconds.

If fails to obtain the CPU time, unknown is displayed.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime option is specified, the information is not output.


Indicates the CPU time that the GC thread has consumed in the kernel mode. The unit is in seconds.

If fails to obtain the CPU time, unknown is displayed.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime option is specified, the information is not output.


Specifies the size of the area currently in use, from the areas being managed in JavaVM (size of the area currently in use, from the total size of mmap_total_size and malloc_total_size). The unit is in kilobytes.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintJVMInternalMemory option is specified, this information is not output.


Specifies the total C heap size allocated for mmap (VirtualAlloc in Windows), from the areas being managed in JavaVM. The unit is in kilobytes.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintJVMInternalMemory option is specified, this information is not output.


Specifies the total C heap size allocated for malloc, from the areas being managed in JavaVM. The unit is in kilobytes.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintJVMInternalMemory option is specified, this information is not output.


Specifies the number of Java threads.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintThreadCount option is specified, this information is not output.


Specifies the cumulative heap size allocated by invoking the The unit is in kilobytes.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintDeleteOnExit option is specified, this information is not output.


Specifies the invocation count of the method.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintDeleteOnExit option is specified, this information is not output.


Specifies the size of the code cache area used when the GC occurs. The unit is kilobyte.

When the -XX:-PrintCodeCacheInfo option is specified, this information is not output.


Specifies the maximum size of the code cache area. The unit is kilobyte.

When the -XX:-PrintCodeCacheInfo option is specified, this information is not output.


Specifies the maintenance information.

When the -XX:-PrintCodeCacheInfo option is specified, this information is not output.

The following are the output contents when the -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCPrintTenuringDistribution option is specified:

id, date, size, value, max_value, total_age1, total_age2, total_agen

For output contents, see -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintTenuringDistribution (Age distribution output option of Survivor area).

Output format (if G1 GC is used)


Indicates the identifier for JavaVM log file.


Indicates the date and time for starting GC. When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintDate option is specified, the date is not output.


Indicates the GC type. One of the following strings is output: Full GC, Mixed GC, Young GC, Young GC(initial-mark), CM Remark, or CM Cleanup.


Indicates the GC information. The information is output in the following format. The unit is kilobyte.

area-size-before-GC, region-conversion-as-area-size-before-GC, area-size-before-GC, area-size-after-GC, region-conversion-as-area-size-after-GC, area-size-after-GC

In the preceding format, region conversion is a value that rounds up the area size to the size of one region and is expressed as a multiple of the size of one region.


Indicates the elapsed time for GC.


Indicates the status of GC. Either - or to exhausted is output.


Indicates the Eden information. The information is output in the following format:

region-conversion-as-area-size-before-GC, region-conversion-as-maximum-area-size-before-GC, region-conversion-as-area-size-after-GC, region-conversion-as-maximum-area-size-after-GC

In the preceding format, region conversion is a value that rounds up the area size to the size of one region and is expressed as a multiple of the size of one region.


Indicates the Survivor information. The information is output in the following format:

region-conversion-as-area-size-before-GC, region-conversion-as-area-size-after-GC

In the preceding format, region conversion is a value that rounds up the area size to the size of one region and is expressed as a multiple of the size of one region.


Indicates the Tenured information. The information is output in the following format:

region-conversion-as-area-size-before-GC, region-conversion-as-area-size-after-GC

In the preceding format, region conversion is a value that rounds up the area size to the size of one region and is expressed as a multiple of the size of one region.


Indicates the Humongous information. The information is output in the following format:

region-conversion-as-area-size-before-GC, region-conversion-as-area-size-after-GC

In the preceding format, region conversion is a value that rounds up the area size to the size of one region and is expressed as a multiple of the size of one region.


Indicates the Free information. The information is output in the following format:

region-conversion-as-area-size-before-GC, region-conversion-as-area-size-after-GC

In the preceding format, region conversion is a value that rounds up the area size to the size of one region and is expressed as a multiple of the size of one region.


Indicates the information about the metaspace area. The information is output in the following format: The unit is kilobytes.

size-of-used-area-before-GC, size-of-capacity-before-GC, size-of-committed-area-before-GC, size-of-used-area-after-GC, size-of-capacity-after-GC, size-of-committed-area-after-GC

Indicates the information about the compressed class space. The information is output in the following format: The unit is kilobytes.

size-of-used-area-before-GC, size-of-capacity-before-GC, size-of-committed-area-before-GC, size-of-used-area-after-GC, size-of-capacity-after-GC, size-of-committed-area-after-GC

Indicates the cause number of GC.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintCause option is specified, this information is not output.

For the GC cause number, see -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintCause (Option to output the cause of GC).


Indicates the size of one region.

A value in KB is output.


Indicates the target value of the time for which the application will stop during GC.

A value in seconds is output.


Indicates the time for which the application will stop during GC predicted by Java VM.

A value in seconds is output.

Note that if the GC type is Full GC, CM Remark, or CM Cleanup, 0 is output because no prediction is performed.


Indicates the size of the tenured area subject to mixed GC.

A value in KB is output.

Note that if the GC type is not Mixed GC, 0 is output.


Indicates the predicted information about the size of the tenured area that will be reclaimed by mixed GC. The information is output in the following format:

predicted-size-of-reclaimable-area (predicted-ratio-of-reclaimable-area)

Note that information of predicted size of reclaimable area is output only for young GC or mixed GC that immediately follows completion of concurrent marking (CM). In other cases, 0 is output because no prediction is performed.


Indicates the CPU time that the GC thread has consumed in the user mode. The unit is in seconds.

If fails to obtain the CPU time, unknown is displayed.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime option is specified, the information is not output.


Indicates the CPU time that the GC thread has consumed in the kernel mode. The unit is in seconds.

If fails to obtain the CPU time, unknown is displayed.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime option is specified, the information is not output.


Indicates the size of the area currently in use, from the areas being managed in JavaVM (size of the area currently in use, from the total size of mmap_total_size and malloc_total_size). The unit is in kilobytes.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintJVMInternalMemory option is specified, this information is not output.


Indicates the total C heap size allocated for mmap (VirtualAlloc in Windows), from the areas being managed in JavaVM. The unit is in kilobytes.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintJVMInternalMemory option is specified, this information is not output.


Indicates the total C heap size allocated for malloc, from the areas being managed in JavaVM. The unit is in kilobytes.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintJVMInternalMemory option is specified, this information is not output.


Indicates the number of Java threads.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintThreadCount option is specified, this information is not output.


Indicates the cumulative heap size allocated by invoking the The unit is in kilobytes.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintDeleteOnExit option is specified, this information is not output.


Indicates the invocation count of the method.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintDeleteOnExit option is specified, this information is not output.


Indicates the size of the code cache area used when the GC occurs. The unit is kilobyte.

When the -XX:-PrintCodeCacheInfo option is specified, this information is not output.


Indicates the maximum size of the code cache area. The unit is kilobyte.

When the -XX:-PrintCodeCacheInfo option is specified, this information is not output.


Indicates the maintenance information.

When the -XX:-PrintCodeCacheInfo option is specified, this information is not output.

The following are the output contents when the -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCPrintTenuringDistribution option is specified:

id, date, size, value, max_value, total_age1, total_age2, total_agen

For output contents, see -XX:[+|-]HitachiVerboseGCPrintTenuringDistribution (Age distribution output option of Survivor area).


VGM (Identifier of the JavaVM log file)


Indicates the date and time for starting CM.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCPrintDate option is specified, the date is not output.


Indicates the CM type. One of the following strings is output: Concurrent Root Region Scan Start, Concurrent Root Region Scan End, Concurrent Mark Start, Concurrent Mark End, Concurrent Mark Stop, Concurrent Cleanup Start, or Concurrent Cleanup End.


Indicates the CPU time that all CM threads consumed in the user mode. A value in seconds is output.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime option is specified, the information is not output.

If fails to obtain the CPU time, unknown is displayed.

If the status of CM is Start, 0 is output.


Indicates the CPU time that all CM threads consumed in the kernel mode. A value in seconds is output.

When the -XX:-HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime option is specified, the information is not output.

If fails to obtain the CPU time, unknown is displayed.

If the status of CM is Start, 0 is output.

Examples of output

If serial GC is used:

If G1 GC is used: