
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

13.2.2 Execution result list file

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

The output format of the execution result list file is as follows:

# Excluded JSP files.
# Compiled JSP files.
# JSP-files-that-failed-from-compilation

(2) Storage locations and file names

Any storage location and filename is possible. You can use the following characters in the file name:

Alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), or period (.)

(3) Functionality

When you use a command to execute JSP pre-compilation, you can specify the -resultlist option of the cjjspc command to output the following information in an execution result list file: List of JSP file paths excluded from compilation, JSP files whose compilation was successful, and list of JSP file paths whose compilation failed.

The compiled results are output in the execution result list file in the following order:

  1. List of JSP file paths to be excluded from compilation

  2. JSP file paths whose compilation was successful or whose compilation failed

The JSP files paths whose compilation failed are output as comments.

(4) Examples of output

# Excluded JSP files.
# Compiled JSP files.