
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

13.2.1 Compilation exclusion list file

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

Specify the compilation exclusion list file as shown below:

# comment
Specification method
  • The line beginning with a hash mark (#) is a comment.

  • Specify the path of one JSP file to be excluded from compilation on each line.

(2) Storage locations and file names

Any storage location and filename is possible. You can use the following characters in the file name:

Alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), or period (.)

(3) Functionality

This file specifies the paths of the JSP files to be excluded from compilation when you use a command to execute JSP pre-compilation.

By using the -excludelist option of the cjjspc command to specify the compilation exclusion list file, you can exclude the compilation of the JSP files coded in the compilation exclusion list file. For details about the cjjspc command, see cjjspc (pre-compile JSP) in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

(4) Examples of coding