
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

G.2 How to start a system

This section explains how to start a batch server, and also how to execute batch applications.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Starting a batch server

The method of starting a batch server is as follows:

Take note of the following points when starting a batch server:

To start a batch server when the CORBA Naming Service is invoked as an in-process in the standard system configuration:

  1. Move the current directory using the cd command.

    # cd /opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/bin
  2. Start the batch server using the cjstartsv command

    You must have the root permission (when the Component Container Administrator is not set up), or the permission of the Component Container Administrator (when the Component Container Administrator is set up) to execute the command.

    # cjstartsv server-name -nosecurity

(2) Executing batch applications

The method of executing batch applications is as follows:

Execute a batch application using a server management command. Note that you must have root permission or Component Container administrator permission to execute the server management commands.

To execute a batch application:

  1. Move the current directory using the cd command.

    cd /opt/Cosminexus/CC/batch/bin/cjexecjob
  2. Execute the batch application using the cjexecjob command.

    You must have root permission or Component Container administrator permission to execute this command.

    The method of specifying the server, to be connected to, depends upon whether the batch application uses the job scheduling functionality or not.

    When the job scheduling functionality is not used

    Specify the batch server that can execute the job.

    cjexecjob.exe server-name Java-application-class-name
    When the job scheduling functionality is used

    Specify the job scheduling group.

    cjexecjob [schedule-group-name] [-jobID job-ID] Java-application-class-name