
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

G.1 Procedure for starting a system

The procedure for starting a system is explained in this section.

Note that as a prerequisite, database must be already started. If you are using a database, start it in advance, if necessary.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Flow of starting an Application Server

The flow of starting an Application Server used in the system is explained.

The following figure shows the flow of starting an Application Server:

Figure G‒1: Flow of starting an Application Server (in UNIX)


The steps 1 through 9 are as follows:

  1. Specifying environment variables

    Specify environment variables. For details on specifying environment variables, see D.2(1) Specifying environment variables when a system is started.

  2. Starting a PRF daemon

    Start a PRF daemon using the cprfstart command. For details on starting a PRF daemon, see D.2(2) Starting a PRF daemon.

  3. Starting the Smart Agent

    This operation is not required when CTM is not used.

    You use the osagent command to start the Smart Agent. For details on starting the Smart Agent, see D.2(3) Starting the Smart Agent.

  4. Starting the CTM domain manager

    This operation is not required when CTM is not used.

    You use the ctmdmstart command to start the CTM domain manager. For details on starting the CTM domain manager, see D.2(4) Starting the CTM domain manager.

  5. Invoking CORBA Naming Service

    This operation is not required when CTM is not used.

    When using CTM, you use the nameserv command to start the CORBA Naming Service for CTM. For details on starting the CORBA Naming Service, see D.2(5) Invoking the CORBA Naming Service.

  6. Starting a CTM daemon

    This operation is not required when CTM is not used.

    You use the ctmstart command to start the CTM daemon. For details on starting a CTM daemon, see D.2(6) Starting a CTM daemon.

  7. Starting a batch server

    Start a batch server using the cjstartsv command. For details on starting batch servers, see G.2(1) Starting a batch server.

  8. Starting a resource

    If you are not using any resources, this operation is not required.

    Start resources using a server management command. For details on starting resources, see D.2(8) Starting a resource.

  9. Starting a batch application

    Start a batch application using the cjexecjob command. For details on starting batch applications, see G.2(2) Executing batch applications.