
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

C.4 How to terminate a system

This section explains how to terminate each process of the configuration software, resources, and J2EE applications.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Terminating a Web server

For details on terminating a Web server, see the manual on the Web server you are using.

Note that the timing of terminating a Web server depends on the form of system operation. However, you can first terminate the Web server for controlling the reception of requests in the J2EE application.

(2) Terminating a J2EE application

This point explains how to terminate a J2EE application.

You terminate the J2EE application using the server management command (cjstopapp).

Note that you need to have the Administrator permission for executing server management commands.

In some cases, the request processing within a J2EE application does not finish even when the J2EE application is terminated, and hence, the termination processing is not complete. In such a case, you need to forcefully terminate the J2EE application. To forcefully terminate a J2EE application, specify the -force option in the cjstopapp command, and then execute the command.

For the specific procedure for terminating J2EE applications, see 10.2.2 Stopping J2EE applications in the uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide.

(3) Terminating a resource

This point explains how to terminate resources.

You terminate resources using the server management command (cjstoprar or cjstopjb).

Note that you need to have the Administrator permission to execute server management commands.

This operation is not required if you use a resource adapter included in the J2EE application.

Important note
  • When you want to terminate DB Connector for Cosminexus, terminate Cosminexus RM in advance. If you try to terminate DB Connector for Cosminexus RM without terminating Cosminexus RM, an error will occur.

  • A J2EE resource for which an optional name is defined cannot be terminated if a J2EE application is running on the J2EE server. If you try to terminate the J2EE resource, a message will be output and the processing will fail. To terminate a J2EE resource for which an optional name is specified, terminate all the J2EE applications running on the J2EE server, and then terminate the J2EE resource.

(4) Terminating a J2EE server

To terminate a J2EE server:

  1. Move the current directory using the cd command.

    cd "Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\server\bin"
  2. Terminate the J2EE server using the cjstopsv command.

    You need to have the Administrator permission to execute the command.

    cjstopsv server-name

An example of executing the cjstopsv command is explained below. In this example, the Cosminexus installation directory is C:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus, and the server name is MyServer.

C:\>cd "C:\Program Files\HITACHI\Cosminexus\CC\server\bin"
C:\Program Files\HITACHI\Cosminexus\CC\server\bin>cjstopsv MyServer
C:\Program Files\HITACHI\Cosminexus\CC\server\bin>

Note that in some cases, the processing in a J2EE server does not finish even when the J2EE server is terminated, and hence, the termination processing is not complete. In such cases, you need to forcefully terminate the J2EE server. To forcefully terminate a J2EE server, specify the -f option or -fd option in the cjstopsv command, and then execute the command. If you specify the -fd option, the J2EE server is forcefully terminated after you acquire the failure information of the J2EE server.


If the CORBA Naming Service is invoked automatically, it will also terminate automatically when you terminate the J2EE server.

(5) Terminating a CTM daemon

To terminate a CTM daemon:

  1. Move the current directory using the cd command.

    cd "Cosminexus-installation-directory\CTM\bin"
  2. Terminate the CTM daemon using the ctmstop command.

    You must have the Administrator permission to execute the command.


Note that in some cases even after you terminate the CTM daemon, the termination processing of the CTM daemon does not finish. In such cases, you must terminate the CTM daemon forcibly. For forceful termination of the CTM daemon, specify the -CTMForce option in the ctmstop command, and then execute the command.

(6) Terminating the CORBA Naming Service

The procedure for terminating the CORBA Naming Service differs depending on how the CORBA Naming Service is invoked.

(7) Terminating the CTM domain manager

To terminate CTM domain manager:

  1. Move the current directory using the cd command.

    cd "Cosminexus-installation-directory\CTM\bin"
  2. Terminate the CTM domain manager using the ctmdmstop command.

    You must have the Administrator permission to execute the command.


Note that in some cases even after you terminate the CTM domain manager, the termination processing of the CTM domain manager does not finish. In such cases, you must terminate the CTM domain manager forcibly. For forceful termination of the CTM domain manager, specify the -CTMForce option in the ctmdmstop command, and then execute the command.

(8) Terminating the Smart Agent

To terminate the Smart Agent:

  1. Right click the Smart Agent icon displayed in the task bar of Windows, and choose Exit to terminate the Smart Agent.

(9) Terminating a PRF daemon

To terminate a PRF daemon:

  1. Move the current directory using the cd command.

    cd "Cosminexus-installation-directory\PRF\bin"
  2. Terminate the PRF daemon using the cprfstop command.

    The user who executes the cprfstart command will execute this command.


Note that in some cases, even after you terminate the PRF daemon, the termination processing of the PRF daemon does not finish. In such cases, you need to forcefully terminate the PRF daemon. To terminate the PRF daemon forcefully, specify the -Force option in the cprfstop command, and then execute the command.