
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

ctmstart (start CTM daemon)

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ctmstart  [-h] [-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name] [-CTMID CTM-identifier]
          -CTMINSRef CORBA-naming-service-URL
          [-PRFID PRF-identifier]
          [-CTMPort port-number]
          [-CTMEjbPort EJB-request-receiving-port-number]
          [-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address]
          [-CTMRegStart number-of-processes]
          [-CTMRegOption CTM-command-option-file-name]
          [-CTMEnviron CTM-user-environment-variable-definition-file-name]
          [-CTMStartTimeOut timeout-value]
          [-CTMEntryCount number-of-registered-processes] [-CTMNice nice-value]
          [-CTMClientConnectCount maximum-number-of-connected-clients]
          [-CTMServerConnectCount maximum-number-of-connected-J2EE-servers
          [-CTMLogFileSize maximum-CTM-log-file-size]
          [-CTMLogFileCount maximum-number-of-CTM-log-files]
          [-CTMQueueCount number-of-registered-schedule-queues]
          [-CTMQueueRegistCount schedule-queue-share-count]
          [-CTMServerCacheSize server-cache-size]
          [-CTMDispatchPolicy normalDispatch | priorDispatch]
          [-CTMDispatchParallelCount maximum-number-of-threads]
          [-CTMMaxRequestCount maximum-number-of-requests]
          [-CTMWatchRequest timeout-count,monitoring-interval]
          [-CTMQueueDeleteWait schedule-queue-retaining-time]
          [-CTMCreatePolicy normalDispatch | priorDispatch]
          [-CTMLoadCheckInterval load-status-monitoring-interval]
          [-CTMTSCGwStart number-of-processes]
          [-CTMTSCGwOption CTM-command-option-file-name]
          [-CTMStatsUse {Y|N}]
          [-CTMStatsFileCount number-of-statistics-file-generations]
          [-CTMStatsFileSize statistics-file-size]


This command starts a CTM daemon for scheduling requests.



Displays how to use the command.

-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name

Specifies the name of the CTM domain to which the CTM daemon belongs, as 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). Do not specify a CTM domain name that begins with CTM or ctm. Do not specify the same value for the CTM identifier and the CTM domain name. If this argument is omitted, CTMDOMAIN is set.

-CTMID CTM-identifier

Specifies the identifier of the CTM daemon, as 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters, periods (.), and underscores (_). Do not specify a CTM identifier that begins with CTM or ctm. You must specify a unique CTM identifier in the CTM domain. Periods (.) can only be specified in IP addresses. If this argument is omitted, an IP address is set to the CTM identifier.

For example, if the IP address of the host is, the character string is assumed as the CTM identifier.

-CTMINSRef CORBA-naming-service-URL

Specifies the URL of the CORBA naming service that is associated with the CTM daemon. You can specify 1 to 65535 characters in the following format:


The following shows a specification example:

-CTMINSRef localhost:9001

You cannot omit this option.

Start the CORBA naming service on the host on which the CTM daemon is running. Do not specify any CORBA naming service that is used by the J2EE server or other CTM daemons. If you specify such CORBA naming services, the operation is not guaranteed.


Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a request to be forwarded to another CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 2147483647. If 0 is specified, there is no limit on the wait time. If this argument is omitted, 180 (seconds) is set. The timeout value specified for this option is not used to monitor responses for requests from another CTM daemon. If an error occurs on the host or network before forwarding processing between daemons is performed, the error cannot be detected until the timeout period specified for this option elapses. If you reduce the timeout value, an attempt to forward a long message between daemons might fail.

-PRFID PRF-identifier

Specifies the identifier of a PRF daemon for which PRF trace is to be output, as 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). Do not specify a character string that begins with TSC, tsc, CTM, or ctm. If this argument is omitted, the character string PRF_ID is assumed as the PRF identifier.

-CTMPort port-number

Specifies the port number used to search for a new connection with the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 5001 to 65535. If this argument is omitted, the service name file is referenced. If a port number is not specified in the service name file, 20138 is set.

The following shows the specification format in the service name file:

CTM_CTM-domain-nameCTM-identifier       port-number/tcp

For example, if you specify ctmstart -CTMDomain JAPAN -CTMID XXX to start the CTM daemon, an entry specified as follows in the service name file is read:

CTM_JAPANXXX                         10021/tcp
-CTMEjbPort EJB-request-receiving-port-number

Specifies the port number used by the EJB client to search for a new connection with the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 5001 to 65535. If this argument is omitted, the port number automatically allocated by the OS is used.

-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address

Specifies the host name or IP address used by CTM in a node switching environment where a multi-homed host or IP address is inherited. You can specify a character string of 1 to 64 characters. If this argument is omitted, the host name acquired by the hostname command is set.

If you omit the -CTMID option and specify the -CTMMyHost option, the IP address specified for the -CTMMyHost option is assumed as the default CTM identifier.

-CTMRegStart number-of-processes

Specifies the number of processes of the CTM regulator to be started automatically when the CTM daemon starts. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 32767. The CTM daemon monitors the operation of the CTM regulator, and restarts the CTM regulator if an abnormal termination is detected. If this argument is omitted, 1 is set.

You must start the CTM regulator when starting the J2EE server. If the number of CTM regulators that start automatically increases, the CTM daemon startup processing might require a lot of time. In this case, use the -CTMStartTimeOut option to adjust the wait time for the startup processing.

-CTMRegOption CTM-command-option-file-name

Specifies the name of the file that contains the command options to be specified when a CTM regulator starts automatically.

  • In Windows

    You can use alphanumeric characters, periods (.), backslashes (\), colons (:), plus signs (+), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) in the file name.

  • In UNIX

    You can use alphanumeric characters, periods (.), forward slashes (/), plus signs (+), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) in the file name.

Users can specify any name for the CTM command option file. To specify information in the command option file, you can use alphanumeric characters, spaces, hyphens (-), periods (.), forward slashes (/), and underscores (_). Do not specify anything other than command options. For example, you can specify the following:

-CTMClientConnectCount 64

To specify regoption as the CTM command option file name, specify the following when the CTM daemon starts:

ctmstart -CTMRegOption regoption -CTMRegStart 10

If you want to fix the port numbers for multiple CTM regulators that start automatically, specify the -CTMEjbPort option in the command option file. The value specified for the -CTMEjbPort option is used as the base value, and the base value incremented by one is set for the -CTMEjbPort option of each CTM regulator.

For options (other than the -CTMEjbPort and -CTMPort options) that are not specified in the command option file, the values specified for the ctmstart command are set.

-CTMEnviron CTM-user-environment-variable-definition-file-name

Specifies the name of the CTM user environment variable definition file that specifies the environment variables used by processes to be started, as an absolute path.

  • In Windows

    You can use alphanumeric characters, periods (.), backslashes (\), colons (:), plus signs (+), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) in the file name.

  • In UNIX

    You can use alphanumeric characters, periods (.), forward slashes (/), plus signs (+), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) in the file name.

For details about the CTM user environment variable definition file, see 7.2.1 CTM user environment variable definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

-CTMStartTimeOut timeout-value

Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for the CTM daemon startup processing. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 2147483647. If 0 is specified, there is no limit on the wait time. If this argument is omitted, 180 (seconds) is set.

-CTMEntryCount number-of-registered-processes

Specifies the number of processes managed by the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 32 to 32767.

If this argument is omitted, the sum of the values specified for the -CTMServerConnectCount option and -CTMClientConnectCount option is set.

-CTMNice nice-value

Specifies the default value of the -CTMNice option used by servers managed by the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer. If this argument is omitted, 0 is set. The range of specifiable values follows the range of specifiable nice values provided by the OS.

Note that the -CTMNice option exists only in UNIX.

-CTMClientConnectCount maximum-number-of-processes-for-CTM-regulator-and-OTM-gateway

Specifies the maximum number of processes for the CTM regulator and OTM gateway that can be connected to the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 32767. If this argument is omitted, 64 is set.

-CTMServerConnectCount maximum-number-of-connected-J2EE-servers

Specifies the maximum number of J2EE servers that can be connected to the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 32767. If this argument is omitted, 64 is set.

-CTMLogFileSize maximum-CTM-log-file-size

Specifies the maximum size of a CTM log file in megabytes. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 3. If this argument is omitted, 1 (megabytes) is set.

The size of messages (megabytes) that can be saved in CTM log files is as follows: Value-of-the-CTMLogFileSize-option x value-of-the-CTMLogFileCount-option. To change the size of messages that can be saved in CTM log files, you must first change the value of the -CTMLogFileCount option. If the change of the -CTMLogFileCount option value is not enough, specify the -CTMLogFileSize option.

-CTMLogFileCount maximum-number-of-CTM-log-files

Specifies the maximum number of CTM log files. You can specify an integer in the range from 2 to 32. If this argument is omitted, 2 is set.

If the size of a CTM log file exceeds the value of the -CTMLogFileSize option, the CTM log file is switched to the next file. If the total number of CTM log files exceeds the value of the -CTMLogFileCount option when switching the CTM log file, the contents of the oldest CTM log file are deleted. With these considerations, estimate the size of CTM log files.

-CTMQueueCount number-of-registered-schedule-queues

Specifies the number of schedule queues that can be registered in the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 32767. If this argument is omitted, 128 is set.

-CTMQueueRegistCount schedule-queue-share-count

Specifies the number of J2EE applications that can share the same schedule queue. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 32767. If this argument is omitted, 64 is set.

-CTMServerCacheSize server-cache-size

Specifies the size of the cache table (in kilobytes) for storing server information in the CTM domain. You can specify an integer in the range from 1to 32767. If this argument is omitted, 1024 (kilobytes) is set.

Use the following formula to calculate the size of the server cache table:

{256 × number-of-CTM-daemons-in-the-same-CTM-domain
+ 256 × total-number-of-schedule-queues-in-the-same-CTM-domain
+ (256 + maximum-INS-registration-name-length) × number-of-Enterprise-Beans-registered-in-schedule-queues-in-the-same-CTM-domain
+ (256 + maximum-interface-name-length) × number-of-interfaces-in-the-same-CTM-domain} × 1.5 (bytes)
-CTMDispatchPolicy normalDispatch | priorDispatch

Specifies the scheduling policy as either of the following values:

  • normalDispatch

    Requests are scheduled according to the load status of the schedule queue.

  • priorDispatch

    Requests are scheduled, giving priority to the schedule queue registered in the CTM daemon that received a request. However, if the schedule queue registered in that CTM daemon is highly loaded or is locked, requests are scheduled in a schedule queue registered in another CTM daemon. If this argument is omitted, priorDispatch is set.

-CTMDispatchParallelCount maximum-number-of-threads

Specifies the maximum number of threads for distributing request messages from the client to J2EE servers in the CTM daemon. This is the sum of the J2EE application parallel count (number of resident threads) registered in the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 32767. If this argument is omitted, 255 is set.

-CTMMaxRequestCount maximum-number-of-requests

Specifies the maximum number of requests (queue length) that can be concurrently registered in the schedule queue registered in the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 32767. If this argument is omitted, 50 is set.

-CTMWatchRequest timeout-count,monitoring-interval

The CTM daemon monitors the timeout period. If a timeout occurs more than the specified number of times within the specified lock interval, the schedule queue is locked. Lock processing is performed at the timing of the time monitoring. Therefore, if the timeout described above occurs, the schedule queue is locked at the next monitoring interval. If a request queue is locked by this function, the requests retained in the queue are destroyed and load information is updated.


Specifies the number of times a timeout must occur for a queue to be locked automatically. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 32767 (in times).


Specifies the time interval at which the number of times a timeout occurred is obtained. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 32767 (in seconds). If 0 is specified, the timeout lock function does not work.

-CTMQueueDeleteWait schedule-queue-retaining-time

Specifies the time (in seconds) for retaining the schedule queue registered by the J2EE server that terminated abnormally, and waiting for the restart of the J2EE application. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 2147483647.

If the J2EE application restarts within the specified time, the retained schedule queue is reused and the queued requests are scheduled.

If the J2EE application does not restart when the specified time elapses, the schedule queue is locked, and then the requests registered in the schedule queue are deleted. Note that because the schedule queue is locked and the requests in the schedule queue are deleted in interval processing mode, these operations might be performed later than the specified time.

If this argument is omitted or if 0 is specified, the schedule queue is not retained and the requests registered in the schedule queue are deleted.

If you use this option with ctmholdque -CTMChangeServer, which replaces J2EE applications in online mode, this option is disabled if the J2EE server terminates abnormally after ctmholdque -CTMChangeServer is executed.

-CTMCreatePolicy normalDispatch | priorDispatch

Specifies the CTM daemon selection policy for the create requests, as either of the following values:

If this argument is omitted, normalDispatch is set.

  • normalDispatch

    The CTM daemon is selected according to the load status of the schedule queue.

  • priorDispatch

    The CTM daemon that has received the create request is selected with priority. However, if the schedule queue registered in that CTM daemon is highly loaded or is locked, another CTM daemon is selected.

-CTMLoadCheckInterval load-status-monitoring-interval

Specifies the time interval for monitoring the schedule queue load status. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 32767 (in seconds).

The load status of all schedule queues is checked at the specified interval. If the load status of schedule queues has changed, the latest load status for each one of these schedule queues is reported to all CTM daemons in the same domain.

If this argument is omitted, 10 is set. If 0 is specified, the load status is not monitored at regular intervals.

-CTMWatchQueue monitoring-start-retention-rate,system-stop-processing-rate,monitoring-interval,stop-mode

Specifies the retention monitoring conditions for a schedule queue.

If the -CTMWatchQueue option is omitted, retention monitoring for the schedule queues is not performed.

Arguments of the -CTMWatchQueue option must be specified in the following order, using a comma (,) to delimit the arguments. The arguments cannot be omitted.


Specifies the threshold of the retention rate to enter queue retention monitoring mode. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 99 (unit: %). If 0 is specified, queue retention is always monitored.


Specifies the threshold of the processing rate to stop the CTM daemon. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 100 (unit: %).


Specifies the time interval for obtaining the processing rate of the CTM daemon stop threshold. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 32767 (in seconds). If 0 is specified, retention monitoring for the schedule queue is not performed.


Specifies whether to stop the CTM daemon if a retained request is detected in the schedule queue.

  • 1:

    The CTM daemon stops.

  • 0:

    The CTM daemon does not stop.

-CTMTSCGwStart number-of-processes

Specifies the number of processes of the OTM gateway to be started automatically when the CTM daemon starts. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 32767. If this argument is omitted, 0 is set.

The CTM daemon monitors the OTM gateway operation, and restarts the OTM gateway if an abnormal termination is detected.

If the number of OTM gateways that start automatically increases, the CTM daemon startup processing might require a long time. In this case, use the -CTMStartTimeOut option to adjust the wait time for the startup processing.

-CTMTSCGwOption CTM-command-option-file-name

Specifies the name of the file that contains the command options to be specified when an OTM gateway starts automatically, as an absolute path.

  • In Windows

    You can use alphanumeric characters, periods (.), yen signs ([Figure]), colons (:), plus signs (+), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) in the file name.

  • In UNIX

    You can use alphanumeric characters, periods (.), forward slashes (/), plus signs (+), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) in the file name.

Users can specify any name of the CTM command option file. To specify information in the command option file, you can use alphanumeric characters, spaces, hyphens (-), periods (.), forward slashes (/), and underscores (_). Do not specify anything other than command options. For, example, specify as follows:

-CTMClientConnectCount 64

To specify tscoption as the CTM command option file name, specify as follows when the CTM daemon starts:

ctmstart -CTMTSCGwOption tscoption -CTMTSCGwStart 1

If you want to fix the port numbers for multiple OTM gateways that start automatically, specify the -CTMPort option in the command option file. The value specified for the -CTMPort option is used as the base value, and the base value incremented by one is set for the -CTMPort option of each OTM gateway.

For options other than the -CTMPort option that are not specified in the command option file, the values specified for the ctmstart command are set.

-CTMStatsUse {Y|N}

Specifies whether statistics are collected in the buffer in the relevant CTM node.

You can also specify lowercase letters. If this argument is omitted, Y is set, and statistics are collected in the buffer in the relevant CTM node.

To start output of information to a statistics file from the buffer, execute the ctmstsstart command.

-CTMStatsFileCount number-of-statistics-file-generations

Specifies the number of generations of a statistics file. You can specify an integer in the range from 3 to 256. If this argument is omitted, 3 is set.

-CTMStatsFileSize statistics-file-size

Specifies the size of a statistics file (in megabytes). You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 1024. If this argument is omitted, 3 (megabytes) is set.

Return values


The command is terminated normally.

Other than 0:

The command terminated abnormally because an error occurred during command processing. Take the corrective action indicated in the output message, and then re-execute the command.
