
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

ctmrlesque (unlock schedule queues)

Organization of this page


ctmrlesque [-h] [-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name] [-CTMID CTM-identifier]
           [-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address]
           {-CTMQueue schedule-queue-registration-name | -CTMQueueALL}


This command unlocks schedule queues.



Displays how to use the command.

-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name

Specifies the CTM domain name of the CTM daemon for which the schedule queue is to be unlocked. You can specify 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). Do not specify a character string that begins with CTM or ctm. If this argument is omitted, CTMDOMAIN is set.

-CTMID CTM-identifier

Specifies the identifier of the CTM daemon for which the schedule queue is to be unlocked. You can specify 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters, periods (.), and underscores (_). Do not specify a CTM identifier that begins with CTM or ctm. Period (.) can only be specified in IP addresses. If this argument is omitted, an IP address is set to the CTM identifier. For example, if the IP address of the host is, the character string is assumed as the CTM identifier.

-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address

Specifies the host name or IP address used by CTM in a node switching environment where a multi-homed host or IP address is inherited. You can specify a character string of 1 to 64 characters. If this argument is omitted, the host name acquired by the hostname command is set.

-CTMQueue schedule-queue-registration-name

Specifies the registration name of the schedule queue to be unlocked. You can specify 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_).

For a system that executes batch applications, specify a schedule group name as the registration name of the schedule queue.


Unlocks all schedule queues at the same time, including schedule queues that are already unlocked.

Return values


The command is terminated normally.


The command terminated abnormally because an error occurred during command processing. Take the corrective action indicated in the output message, and then re-execute the command.


The specified schedule queue has already been unlocked. This value is returned only when the -CTMQueue option is specified.