
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

ctmdmstart (start CTM domain manager)

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ctmdmstart  [-h] [-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name]
            [-CTMMaxCTM maximum-number-of-managed-CTM-daemons]
            [-CTMPort CTM-domain-management-port-number]
            [-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address]
            [-CTMSendInterval CTM-daemon-information-send-interval]
            [-CTMSubnetMask subnet-mask]
            [-CTMSendHost host-name-or-IP-address
            [-CTMAliveCheckCount CTM-domain-manager-operation-determination-coefficient]
            [-CTMForceStart | -CTMAutoForce]


This command starts the CTM domain manager.



Displays how to use the command.

-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name

Specifies the name of the CTM domain to which the CTM domain manager belongs. You can specify 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). Do not specify a character string that begins with CTM or ctm. If this argument is omitted, CTMDOMAIN is set.

-CTMMaxCTM maximum-number-of-managed-CTM-daemons

Specifies the maximum number of CTM daemons that can be managed in the CTM domain. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 1024. If this argument is omitted, 64 is set.

-CTMPort CTM-domain-management-port-number

Specifies the port number that the CTM domain manager uses to exchange CTM daemon information. You can specify an integer in the range from 5001 to 65535. To start CTM domain managers with the same CTM domain name on multiple hosts, specify the same value for the -CTMPort option. If this argument is omitted, the service name file is referenced. If a port number is not specified in the service name file, 20137 is set.

The following shows the specification format in the service name file:

CTM_CTM-domain-name       port-number/tcp

For example, if you specify ctmdmstart -CTMDomain JAPAN to start the CTM domain manager, an entry specified as follows in the service name file is loaded:

CTM_JAPAN                  10021/tcp

The CTM domain manager uses both tcp and udp protocols for one port number. Therefore, do not use the port number used by the CTM domain manager as a port number for any other udp.

If you restart the CTM domain manager after abnormal termination, do not change the value specified for the -CTMPort option. You can change the value of this option after terminating the CTM domain manager normally.

-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address

Specifies the host name or IP address used by CTM in a node switching environment where a multi-homed host or IP address is inherited. You can specify a character string of 1 to 64 characters. If this argument is omitted, the host name acquired by the hostname command is set.

If you restart the CTM domain manager after abnormal termination, do not change the value specified for the-CTMMyHost option. You can change the value of this option after terminating the CTM domain manager normally.

-CTMSendInterval CTM-daemon-information-send-interval

Specifies, in seconds, the time interval at which the CTM domain manager broadcasts CTM daemon information in the network segment. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 65535. Specify 0 if you do not want to broadcast CTM daemon information. If this argument is omitted, 60 (seconds) is set.

Specifying a large value for the -CTMSendInterval option increases the interval for broadcasting CTM daemon information to CTM domain managers started on different hosts. In this case, an Enterprise Bean invocation between CTM daemons might fail. Specifying a small value for this option reduces the interval for broadcasting CTM daemon information to CTM domain managers started on different hosts. As a result, the network might be loaded.

-CTMSubnetMask subnet-mask

Specifies a subnet mask of the network in format. For xxx, specify an integer in the range from 0 to 255. Use periods as delimiters.

If this argument is omitted, is set.

-CTMSendHost host-name-or-IP-address [,host-name-or-IP-address,...]

Specifies the host name or IP address of the host that runs a CTM domain manager that exists in a different network segment and to which CTM daemon information is to be distributed. You can use alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

By specifying this option, you can distribute CTM daemon information in a CTM domain consisting of multiple rework segments.

To specify a host name, you can use a host name set in Windows-directory\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (in Windows) or etc/hosts (in UNIX). Do not specify a host name or IP address that begins with a hyphen. If you specify such a host name or IP address, operation is not guaranteed.

To specify multiple hosts, use a comma (,) as a delimiter. The following shows a specification example:

-CTMSendHostInterval interval-for-sending-CTM-daemon-information-to-different-network-segment

Specifies (in seconds) the time interval for sending CTM daemon information to the host that runs a CTM domain manager that exists in a different network segment. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 65535. Specify 0 if you do not want to send CTM daemon information. If this argument is omitted, the value specified for the -CTMSendInterval option is set.

Specifying a large value for the -CTMSendHostInterval option increases the interval for sending CTM daemon information to a CTM domain manager started on a different host. In this case, an Enterprise Bean invocation between CTM daemons might fail. Specifying a small value for this option reduces the interval for sending CTM daemon information to a CTM domain manager started on a different host. As a result, the network might be loaded.

The value specified for the -CTMSendHostInterval option is invalidated if the -CTMSendHost option is not specified. Note that whether CTM daemon information is sent depends on the values specified for the -CTMSendHost, -CTMSendInterval, and -CTMSendHostInterval options.

The following table describes the relationship between the values specified for the command options and whether CTM daemon information is sent.




CTM daemon information





Other than 0#


Other than 0



Other than 0#


Not specified



Other than 0#


Not specified





Y: Sent

N: Not sent


Including the default value (60 seconds) that is assumed if the -CTMSendInterval option is not specified.

-CTMAliveCheckCount CTM-domain-manager-operation-determination-coefficient

Specifies the coefficient used to determine whether a CTM domain manager started on a different host is running. You can specify an integer in the range from 2 to 255. If this argument is omitted, 2 is set. Either of the following values is used as the operation determination interval:

  • The value of CTM-daemon-information-send-interval (specified for the -CTMSendInterval option of the CTM domain manager that broadcasts CTM daemon information) multiplied by the value of CTM-domain-manager-operation-determination-coefficient

  • The value of interval-for-sending-CTM-daemon-information-to-different-network-segment (specified for the -CTMSendHostInterval option of the CTM domain manager that sent CTM daemon information beyond the network segment) multiplied by the value of CTM-domain-manager-operation-determination-coefficient

If no CTM daemon information is sent between operation determination intervals, the sender CTM domain manager is determined to have stopped, and the CTM daemon information for the sender is deleted. If the CTM daemon information is deleted, requests are not distributed to that CTM daemon.


Forces the CTM domain manager to start normally if it was terminated forcibly or abnormally the last time. This option forcibly terminates the previously managed CTM daemons, initializes management information, and then starts the CTM domain manager. At this time, the CTM daemons are not restarted.

If the CTM domain manager normally terminated the last time, the specification of the -CTMForceStart option is ignored because the CTM domain manager starts normally.

The -CTMForceStart option cannot be specified together with the -CTMAutoForce option.


Automatically forces the CTM domain manager to start by inheriting the previous management information if the CTM domain manager was terminated forcibly or abnormally the last time. If the previous management information can be inherited normally, you can restore the system status that existed before the termination. If the previous management information cannot be inherited, operation is the same as when the -CTMForceStart option is specified.

If the CTM domain manager normally terminated the last time, the specification of the -CTMAutoForce option is ignored because the CTM domain manager starts normally.

The -CTMAutoForce option cannot be specified together with the -CTMForceStart option.

Return values


The command is terminated normally.

Other than 0:

The command terminated abnormally because an error occurred during command processing. Take the corrective action indicated in the output message, and then re-execute the command.
