
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

ctmdminfo (display and delete CTM domain information)

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ctmdminfo [-h] [-d]


This command displays or deletes information about a CTM domain registered in a CTM environment on the host.



Displays how to use the command.


Deletes registered CTM domain information from a CTM environment on the host.

After ctmdminfo -d is executed, a list of CTMSPOOL values and CTM domain names registered in the current CTM environment appears. In the list, select the number for the combination you want to delete, and then enter data according to the instruction of the command.

Return values


The command is terminated normally.

Other than 0:

The command terminated abnormally because an error occurred during command processing. Take the corrective action indicated in the output message, and then re-execute the command.

Input and output examples

  1. Execute the ctmdminfo command with the -d option specified.

    ctmdminfo -d
  2. A list of CTM domain names and CTMSPOOL values appears.

    • In Windows

    No CTM-Domain   Port   CTMSPOOL
    1 hitachi       9496   C:\Program Files\HITACHI\ctm\spool
    2 CTMDOMAIN     20137  C:\Program Files\HITACHI\Cosminexus\CTM\spool
    Please input Number which you wish delete. ->
    • In UNIX

    No CTM-Domain   Port   CTMSPOOL
    1 hitachi       9496   /home/hitachi/ctm/spool
    2 CTMDOMAIN     20137  /opt/Cosminexus/CTM/spool
    Please input Number which you wish delete. ->
  3. Enter the number for the environment you want to delete.

    Please input Number which you wish delete. -> 2
  4. Confirm that there is no problem in the displayed information, and then enter y.

    • In Windows

    2 CTMDOMAIN     20137  C:\Program Files\HITACHI\Cosminexus\CTM\spool
    We will delete this combination of Domain_name and CTMSPOOL directory.
    OK ? (y/n) -> y
    • In UNIX

    2 CTMDOMAIN     20137  /opt/Cosminexus/CTM/spool
    We will delete this combination of Domain_name and CTMSPOOL directory.
    OK ? (y/n) -> y


Note that if a TPBroker Object Transaction Monitor environment exists on the same host, information about the TSC domain can also be displayed and deleted.