
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

cjmsicmd list dst (displaying the list of physical destinations)

Organization of this page


cjmsicmd list dst [-t destination-type]
                  [-b host-name : port-number]


Displays the list of physical destinations.

If a destination type is not specified, the list of physical destinations of both queue and topic types will be displayed.


-t destination-type

Specifies a destination type. You can specify the following destination types:

  • q: Queue

  • t: Topic


Displays the list of temporary physical destinations.

-b host-name : port-number

Specifies the host name and the port number by delimiting them using a colon (:)

Output example

The following is an output example of cjmsicmd list dst:

    Name      Type    State   Producers  Consumers           Msgs
                                           Total    Count  UnAck  Avg Size
JMSDEMOQueue  Queue  RUNNING  0          1          1000   451    210.0
JMSDEMOTopic  Topic  RUNNING  0          0          0      0      0.0
mq.sys.dmq    Queue  RUNNING  0          0          3999   0      702.0
KDAN34110-I Successfully listed destinations.

Output header


This is the name of the destination created by a system or a user. mq.sys.dmq is the dead message queue created by the system.


This is a destination type. There are two types; Queue and Topic. The destination of mq.sys.dmq is a queue.


This is the state of a destination. The normal states of a destination are RUNNING or PAUSED.


This is the number of active producers of a destination.

Consumers Total

This is the number of active consumers of a destination.


This is the number of messages saved in a destination.

Msgs UnAck

This is the number of messages that do have any response in a destination.

Avg Size

This is the average size of a message.

Return values


The command is terminated normally.


The command is terminated abnormally.