
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

cjlistjob (Display a list of the batch application information)

Organization of this page


When not using the scheduling functionality
cjlistjob server-name
When using the scheduling functionality
cjlistjob {[ [schedule-group-name]...]|[-all] }


When not using the scheduling functionality

This command outputs the information about the batch application running on batch servers with the specified server name to the standard output.

The following information is output for batch applications:

  • Batch application status

  • Batch application name

  • PRF root AP information

  • Running time of the cjexecjob command

When using the scheduling functionality

This command outputs the information about the batch applications running on the specified schedule group to the standard output. This information is output in one line.

The following information is output for batch applications:

  • Schedule group name

  • Batch application status

  • Batch application name

  • PRF root AP information

  • Running time of the cjexecjob command

  • Start waiting time, start running time, or forceStopping reception time of batch applications

  • Job ID

  • Name of the server executing batch applications

You can specify the options for the cjlistjob command using usrconf.cfg (option definition file for batch applications). You search the directories storing usrconf.cfg (option definition file for batch applications), in the following order:

  1. Directory specified in the environment variable (CJBATCHUSRCONFDIR)#

  2. Directory in which the cjlistjob command is executed

# In the environment variable (CJBATCHUSRCONFDIR), you specify the directory as the absolute path.



Specifies the name of the batch server executing batch application for which the information is to be acquired.

For the server name, you specify a case-sensitive character string in conformity with the server name that you have specified when you set up the batch server.


Specifies the name of the schedule group executing the batch application for which the information is to be acquired. You can specify multiple schedule groups demarcated with commas (,).

Note that you can omit the schedule group name. If the schedule group name is omitted, within usrconf.cfg (option definition file for batch applications) of this command is used. JOBGROUP is the default value.


Specify this argument to display the information about batch applications in all the schedule groups that are used by batch servers on the same machine.

Input examples

When not using the scheduling functionality
cjlistjob MyBatchServer
When using the scheduling functionality
cjlistjob JOBGROUP

Return values


The information about batch applications is displayed in a list.


An attempt to display the batch application information in a list has failed.

Output format

When the scheduling functionality is not used
When using the scheduling functionality

Δ: One-byte space

The following is the description of output items:


Displays names of the schedule groups to which the execution requests of batch applications are distributed.


Displays the following status for batch applications:

  • Batch application is running: running

  • Batch application is waiting: waiting

  • Batch application is force stopping: forceStopping


Displays the class name of the Java application specified by the cjexecjob command.


Displays the communication number of the PRF root application as 16-digit hexadecimal with 0x as the first digit.


Displays the running time of the cjexecjob command in the following format:



Δ: One-byte space

yyyy/mm/ddΔhh:mm:ss.ssssss: Year/Month/Day Hours/Minutes/Seconds


This item is output when the scheduling functionality is used.

Displays the batch application start time, waiting time, or the forceStopping reception time in the following format, depending on the batch application status:



Δ: One-byte space

yyyy/mm/ddΔhh:mm:ss.ssssss: Year/Month/Day Hours/Minutes/Seconds

The following table describes the batch application status and corresponding displayed time:

Table 3‒4: Batch application status and displayed time

Batch application status

Displayed time



Waiting start time

Time when batch applications entered the schedule queue


Running start time

Time when batch applications left the schedule queue


ForceStopping reception time

Time when batch applications in the schedule queue were reserved for the forceStopping


Displays the job ID of batch application.


This item is output when the scheduling functionality is used.

Displays the name of the batch server executing batch applications. Displays "-", if batch application is in the waiting status.

Output examples

Information about the batch server with the specified server name
Information about the specified schedule group

Δ: One-byte space
